Updated Construction Advertisement Schedule
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- The Construction Advertisement Schedule is refreshed every Monday.
- Below is the current schedule performance, outlining the current status of all projects included in the annual Construction Advertisement Plan, as well as any projects that have been added to the schedule this year (pdf below).
- A Current Schedule Performance chart, based on the annual Construction Advertisement Plan, published in January of each year
- The Glossary describes the change status and work types used in the Advertisement Schedule.
Searchable Project Map
View our searchable Project Map to find projects by town or county.
If you have a problem accessing this data, please contact Andy Bickmore at 624-3293 or by email.
- Updated Construction Advertisement Schedule: PDF | Excel
- Current Schedule Performance (PDF)
- Updated Construction Advertisement Schedule
- Current Schedule Performance
- Glossary
Updated Construction Advertisement Schedule
Select a column title (arrow) to sort by Work Type, Advertise Date, Scope, Location/Title/Details, Project Identification No., or Estimated Construction Cost Range. The initial sort order is by Advertise Date, Scope, Work Type, and Location/Title.
Multi-column sorting: click to sort any column header, then hold down the shift key and select a second column.
Work Type | Advertise Date | Scope | Location/Title | Details | Project Identification No. |
Administered By | Total Project Estimate |
Current Status of Annual Construction Advertisement Plan
Number of Projects =
Work Type Descriptions
Work Type | Description |
Bridge Construction | Construction, replacement or major rehabilitation of traditional bridges and minor spans that are not culverts, including superstructure and deck replacements. |
Bridge Other | All other bridge projects, including preservation and replacement of large culvert-like structures defined as bridges or minor spans. |
Highway Construction | Construction on new alignment, reconstruction, or major rehabilitation of a road corridor that generally involve changes to the alignment or width of the road. Sometimes known in the industry as "dirt jobs". |
Highway Safety and Spot Improvements | Intersection and ramp improvements, as well as signing, lighting, striping, etc. May include substantial, higher cost, intersection construction projects. |
Highway Preservation Paving | All pavement preservation or rehabilitation treatments of higher priority roads, designed to maintain a higher level of service and avoid the higher cost of reconstruction. The useful life of such treatments is generally 10 years or more. Does not include Light Capital Paving (see below). |
Highway Light Capital Paving (LCP) | A thin pavement treatment to keep poor, generally lesser traveled roads serviceable. The useful life of LCP paving is about 4 to 7 years. Formerly known as Maintenance Surface Treatment (MST) or "skinny-mix". |
Multimodal | Rail, transit, airport, marine, and bicycle/pedestrian projects. |
Status Descriptions
Status | Description |
Advertised On Time | Project is in the annual plan and was advertised within 29 days of planned date. |
On Time | Project is in the annual plan, not yet advertised, and the current forecast advertise date is within 29 days of the planned date. |
Advertised Late | Project is in the annual plan and was advertised 30 days or more after the planned date. |
Merged with Other Work | Project is part of the annual plan and now included in the scope of another project in order to reduce administrative costs. |
Removed from Schedule | Project was in the annual plan but has been removed from the schedule. |
Delayed | Project is in the annual plan and the current advertisement forecast date is 30 days or more after the planned date, or, there is no actual advertisement date within 29 days of the planned date. |