MaineDOT Complete Streets Policy
The Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT) has a long history of providing for the needs of all modes of travel in the planning, programming, design, rehabilitation, maintenance, and construction of the state’s transportation system. Complete Streets policies have a foundation in federal law, guidance, and best practices, and have been signed into law or policy in states and communities throughout the nation.
The intent of this policy is to help ensure that all users of Maine’s transportation system—our customers—including bicyclists, pedestrians, people of all ages and abilities, transit users, and motor vehicle users, have safe and efficient access to the transportation system.
MaineDOT strongly supports a multimodal transportation system, and recognizes that pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure such as sidewalks, bicycle lanes, separated facilities, transit stops, ADA-accessible routes, etc., are crucial elements of the transportation system. In addition, a safe, multimodal, and vibrant transportation system is vital to Maine’s economy, and to the community environments which are such an important component to our transportation system.
The MaineDOT Complete Streets Policy; developed in 2013 and 2014, formally approved in June 2014, and revised in July 2019 outlines how MaineDOT and its project partners will consider the needs of all users when planning and developing projects.
- MaineDOT Complete Streets Policy (PDF)
- MaineDOT Complete Streets Policy Development Timeline and Process Document (PDF)
- Department of Justice ADA Standards for Accessible Design
- Entrance Permit Policies and Procedures
- MaineDOT Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Website
- MaineDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Website
- MaineDOT Bridge Design Guide
- MaineDOT Flexible Design Practices (PDF)
- MaineDOT Guidelines on Crosswalks (PDF)
- MaineDOT Guidelines for the Use of Traffic Calming Devices (PDF)
- MaineDOT Examples of Traffic Calming Devises (PDF)
- MaineDOT Local Cost-Sharing Policy (PDF)
- MaineDOT Local Project Administration Manual/Trainings
- MaineDOT Practical Design Guidance (PDF)
- MaineDOT Practical Design Roadway Widths (Word)
- MaineDOT Public Involvement Plan (PDF)
- MaineDOT Rule Chapters Overall
- MaineDOT Shoulder Surface Type Policy (PDF)
- Maine's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (PDF)
- MaineDOT Publications
- Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)
- Municipal Comprehensive Planning Requirements Comprehensive Plan Review Criteria Rule - Chapter 208 (MS Word)
- Sensible Transportation Policy Act
- Sensible Transportation Policy Act Rule (Word)
- Traffic Movement Policies and Procedures