Highway Program

The Highway Program within the Bureau of Project Development of MaineDOT is responsible for design and construction of projects to improve the safety and mobility of Maine’s highways and streets for all users.

This site is divided into three sections containing design and construction policies, practices and procedures, engineering instructions, design guidance and other information relative to the Program’s responsibilities:

  • General - This section contains all of the Program’s processes, forms, and general procedures that apply to all highway projects.
  • Design - This section contains the Program’s practices and procedures related to the elements of highway design.  It also contains related engineering instructions, design guidance and other references.  Practices and procedures, engineering instructions and design guidance are based on A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) also known as the AASHTO Green Book, or other related documents and publications.  For further information, refer to the AASHTO Green Book or the other references provided for each highway design element.
  • Construction - This section contains the Program’s references, documentation, forms, policies, and practices and procedures for highway construction.
The Regional Program

Introduction to the Regional Program

LiDAR Collection and Processing

The Collector Highway Improvement Program (CHIP)

Pavement Preservation (ODG)

Light Capital Paving (LCP)

Sample Documents


General Notes

1. Basic Design Controls

This element contains information about Highway Corridor Priority, functional classification, traffic volume controls, scope of work, controlling criteria and design exceptions.

2. Horizontal Design

This element contains information about horizontal curves, sight distance and superelevation development for rural highways, high-speed urban highways and low speed urban streets.

3. Vertical Design

This element contains information about stopping sight distance, grades and vertical curves.

5. Intersections and Interchanges

This element contains information about intersection alignment and profile, intersection sight distance, turning radii and roadways, auxiliary lanes, continuous two-way left turn lanes, median openings, islands, entrance design, roundabouts, interchanges and ramp design.

6. Roadside Design

This element contains information about roadside clear zones, barrier warrants, barrier types and layout, median barriers and impact attenuators //(crash cushions).

8. Pavement Design

This element contains information about structural pavement design.

9. Complete Streets Design

This element contains information about ADA compliance and requirements, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, parking, traffic control devices, landscaping, traffic calming, transit and railroad considerations, highway lighting and other street amenities.

10. Geotechnical Design

This element contains information about geotechnical engineering procedures.
