Maine Atlantic Salmon Programmatic Consultation
The United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS), Maine Department of Transportation (MaineDOT), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and the Maine Turnpike Authority (MTA) set out to streamline the consultation process in 2013, aided by a $250,000 SHRP2 Eco-Logical Implementation Assistance grant from FHWA. The agencies collaborated under the Endangered Species Act through a process that expedites endangered species consultations and aims to meet both wildlife and project goals. The resulting consultation, finalized on January 23, 2017, covers activities that involve work in streams to construct, preserve and maintain the state transportation system. The agencies have committed to specific design standards that seek to reconnect waters for endangered salmon, with benefits to other fish and wildlife.
Current Documents
- Atlantic Salmon Programmatic Biological Assessment (PDF)
- Atlantic Salmon Programmatic Biological Opinion (PDF)
- MAP User’s Guide (PDF)
- Project Notification Form Version 8 (PDF)
- Information on the In-Lieu Fee program