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Technology & Innovation

Stay informed with the latest news, analysis and market insight on the technology and innovation
bringing shipping into the digital age, driving new ideas and reshaping business models

Lomar joins with Mythos AI to ‘push boundaries’ of autonomous navigation

Logothetis family shipping arm sees AI having ‘huge potential’ for shipping

Digitalisation Ship operations

Scientists team up to measure LNG shipping’s real emissions

The International Council on Clean Transportation is following up its groundbreaking FUMES study, which used drones to count fugitive and unburned methane emissions from ships running on LNG

Decarbonisation Sustainability

Fuel cell maker Teco 2030 files for bankruptcy

Norwegian hydrogen fuel cell maker Teco 2030 has filed for bankruptcy amid flagging demand and government support

Decarbonisation Sustainability

Blue hydrogen to win, green to lose in Trump’s America

The US will increase its lead in blue hydrogen under Donald Trump next year, but expected cuts to decarbonisation policies will hurt an already poor outlook for green hydrogen, according to Wood Mackenzie

Decarbonisation Sustainability

Top 10 technology leaders 2024

Kongsberg Maritime’s Lisa Edvardsen Haugan is named as this year’s top technology talent as the Norwegian marine equipment group provides a multitude of product advancements to help deliver vessel carbon-reduction needs

Technology and Innovation Top 100 People

Top 10 classification societies 2024

Rina’s Roberto Cazzulo took over chairmanship of the International Association of Classification Societies in January 2024, after two and a half years with LR’s Nick Brown at the helm. The world’s leading classification societies remain a key component in advancing the decarbonisation of shipping, while at the same time advancing standards and safety

Safety Top 100 People

MAN begins testing on two-stroke ammonia engine

After 12 months of single cylinder testing, the German manufacturer has begun full-scale testing of its liquid gas injection ammonia engine 

Decarbonisation Fuels

The Daily View: Innovating through adaptability

Your latest edition of Lloyd’s List’s Daily View — the essential briefing on the stories shaping shipping

Technology and Innovation Decarbonisation

90 Noah Silberschmidt, Silverstream Technologies

Silberschmidt is confident his company will have just as big a role to play if and when alternative fuels arrive in force, after Silverstream passed the 200-order mark in 2024

Decarbonisation Top 100 People

62 Tina Revsbech, Maersk Tankers

An asset-light operator of 240 tankers, Maersk Tankers has its focus on commercial management, and emissions and voyage optimisation

Tankers and Gas Top 100 People

75 Katharine Palmer, United Nations

Shipping was long seen as a climate laggard. Now, with Katharine Palmer’s help, the industry is among the frontrunners

Decarbonisation Top 100 People

89 Gwynne Shotwell, SpaceX

SpaceX’s flat pricing model for speeds that would be considered superfast on land has seen it dominate the market in a very short space of time 

Technology and Innovation Top 100 People
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