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Crew Welfare

Keep informed with the latest news, comment and analysis on the issues surrounding the safety and
security of seafarers globally, highlighting the plight of the essential workers that keep shipping moving

Seafarer abandonment cases spike in 2024

An alarming increase of 118% in cases of seafarer abandonment has been reported to the IMO/ILO database last year, which gave 2024 the unwanted record for the most cases recorded in a calendar year even before it ended

Crewing Sustainability

Royal Fleet Auxiliary staff accept pay offer

Members of both RMT and Nautilus trade unions voted to accept an ‘above inflation’ pay offer from the Ministry of Defence

Sustainability Crewing

Government tables seafarer amendments to Employment Rights Bill

Some shipowners welcome move, while chamber considers implications

Regulation Crewing

Seafarer mental well-being services grow to provide for family ashore

“It can be very difficult to leave the family to go to sea for nine months; there can be pain involved in separation,” said clinical psychologist at maritime service provider Mental Health Support Solutions

Sustainability Crewing

Syria crisis creates new risk for shipping and questions for Iran’s dark fleet

The immediate shipping fallout from the downfall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria will be limited to Iran’s dark fleet and the political question of whether Tehran will be allowed to continue fuelling the country in the wake of the political turmoil

Sanctions Tankers and Gas

The shipowner crewing tankers with 50% women... and the trailblazing Wista founders

Michelle Wiese Bockmann speaks to Hafnia to learn more about its pioneering maritime culture lab and returns to the pub where Wista began to ask two of its founders how far things have moved on since they began the association

Tankers and Gas Lloyd’s List Podcast

Shipping’s ageing fleet and mounting crew crisis heighten systemic risks for insurers

Maritime industry continues to push the global fleet to its limit, playing a dangerous game of Russian roulette with crew, oceans, cargo — and insurers’ portfolios

Crewing Insurance

IMO recognises seafarers for sea rescues

IMO has recognised ships that help rescue migrants as it laments ‘humanitarian tragedy’ of lives lost at sea

Safety People

Stop sending ships through the Red Sea, Marlin Luanda master tells owners

Master of a tanker struck by a Houthi missile in January has urged shipowners and operators not to risk crew safety by sending ships through the Red Sea

Red Sea Risk Tankers and Gas

96 Mark O'Neil, Columbia Shipmanagement/InterManager

A recognition of the urgency of meeting the demands of decarbonisation and digitalisation within the industry and the latter’s seeming inertia in dealing with them, has led Columbia Shipmanagement in certain key directions 

Digitalisation Top 100 People

79 Peter Rouch, Mission to Seafarers

Rouch has replaced the Reverend Andrew Wright as head of the Mission to Seafarers, the shipping charity offering welfare and support to crew globally

Crewing Top 100 People
