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The Lloyd's List sustainability hub provides insight, analysis and commentary to identify the immediate and
long-term challenges as shipping navigates its way towards an emissions-free future

Sustainability Spotlight: Analysis and comment

Regulation: Shipping will get a global carbon price

In April, MEPC83 will see states agree on the legal text that will turn the IMO’s climate ambition into specific, detailed regulation. The shape of that regulation will determine shipping’s future

Decarbonisation Annual Outlook

What to look out for in 2025 in decarbonisation

Lloyd’s List Podcast Decarbonisation

Green corridors have led nowhere

The failure of green corridors highlights the perils of voluntary industry initiatives

Decarbonisation Sustainability


Audio & Reports

The Lloyd’s List podcast — Richard and Declan
What to look out for in 2025 in decarbonisation
Lloyd’s List editor-in-chief and senior reporter talk you through what could be one of the most important years in shipping’s journey towards net zero
From left: Roberto Giannetta, chairman of Hong Kong Liner Shipping Association; Sanjay Kuttan from Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation and Hing Chao, chairman of Hong Kong Chamber of Shipping and Wah Kwong Maritime Transport
Want green fuels? Come to Hong Kong
Lloyd’s List’s Asia editor Cichen Shen takes the podcast to Hong Kong this week, to discuss the city’s curious position in the middle of a potential trade war and the opportunities it has in shipping’s decarbonisation journey
On the podcast: Tristan Smith and Katharine Palmer, Climate Champions Team
Good COP, bad COP, or not much COP?
It’s time for another COP, this time in Azerbaijan. But why should shipping care? Editor-in-chief Richard Meade explains why what happens in Baku matters to the industry
On the podcast: from left, top row first: Arsenio Dominguez, Johannah Christensen, Laure Baratgin; Eman Abdalla, Matthieu de Tugny and Nick Brown
Has shipping really moved from laggard to leader?
Lloyd’s List editor-in-chief Richard Meade takes you into the heart of the Global Maritime Forum in Tokyo to find out whether shipping has gone as far as it can on its decarbonisation journey for the time being


Regulation Timeline

Lloyd’s List’s interactive timeline includes links to related content and supporting information/documentation on impending regulation


