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Lloyd’s List has an editorial board of business leaders drawn from across the maritime industry.

Members are recognised experts who provide feedback and guidance on all aspects of Lloyd’s List’s editorial output via regular meetings and feedback sessions. The Board’s mandate is to help guide our content and ensure that Lloyd’s List continues to answer the questions that matter most to the industry. They also oversee a strict set of editorial guidelines that hold our editorial operations to the highest standards of accuracy, quality and transparency.

The goal is to ensure Lloyd’s List remains the most trusted and authoritative provider of maritime news and analysis, and the principal source of market intelligence and insight for all those working in the shipping industry and related business sectors.

All board members remain strictly neutral as far as any companies or organisations to which they are affiliated are concerned.

“Lloyd’s List is part of the shipping industry. It is a position of trust we have established over nearly 300 years and it is built on the highest standards of accuracy, quality and transparency.By establishing an independent Editorial Board of industry experts, the intention is to uphold those fundamental values while building greater and deeper connections with the industry we serve,” said Lloyd’s List editor Richard Meade.

“In doing so we can develop much more sophisticated products tailored to specific needs and ensure that we are answering the right questions with accuracy and integrity. I am extremely grateful to all the members of the board for their time and commitment to Lloyd’s List.”

The board is chaired by Janet Porter, former executive editor of Lloyd’s List.



  • Tom Boardley

  • Angela Gillham

  • Costas Grammenos

  • Lars Green

  • Caitlin Hardy

  • Michael Parker

  • Amie Pascoe

  • Rod Riseborough

  • Otto Schacht

  • Peter Shaerf

  • Martin Stopford

  • Harry Theochari OBE

  • Kirsi Tikka

  • Michelle Wiese Bockmann



Otto Schacht and Kirsi Tikka join Lloyd’s List advisory panel

The Editorial Advisory Board was established in 2018 to ensure that Lloyd’s List maintains the highest standard of journalism and is the most trusted provider of shipping news and analysis

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