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Sanctions against Russia in response to the country’s invasion of Ukraine continue to mount, while the US administration is reportedly weighing options on both Iranian and Venezuelan sanctions to address the energy gap created by restrictions on Russian oil and gas imports. Lloyd’s List examines the impact of this sanctions and the pain of them on the shipping industry and wider implications for the maritime community including finance, insurance, law and government.


Ingosstrakh says US sanctions on marine insurer undermine maritime safety

Two of Russias main providers of marine insurance for shipping Russian oil are now under US and UK sanctions


First signs of post-sanctions stranded Russia oil cargoes emerge at Chinese ports

With more than half of Russian crude last month shipped on tankers now sanctioned, oil producers are expected to recalibrate seaborne logistics and consolidate cargoes onto larger tankers that are able to call at ports in China and India, the biggest buyers

The week in charts: One cable cutting vessel has three separate digital identities | Panama Canal sees rising ship traffic | US sanctions over 180 vessels

Taiwan is looking for one vessel, not three, for cable cutting; Panama Canal transits were up up 6% in December versus November and the US announces the largest round of Russian sanctions yet

Sanctioned tonnage lifted 56% of Russian crude in December

More than 200 Russia-trading tankers have been sanctioned by Western regulators in the past three weeks, mostly targeting crude tankers

The Daily View: Biden’s parting gift

Your latest edition of Lloyd’s List’s Daily View — the essential briefing on the stories shaping shipping

Tanker stocks soar as US hammers Russia with new sanctions

New US sanctions targeting Russian oil exports were not a well-kept secret. Investors and freight futures traders have been placing their bets for days. Those wagers escalated hours before the embargoed Treasury Department press release finally came out

German tug secures laden dark fleet tanker drifting after mechanical failure

Aframax tanker is laden with 500,000 barrels of oil loaded four days earlier at the Russian Baltic port of Ust-Luga


US Russia shipping crackdown brings 35% of dark fleet under sanctions

Of the 155 tankers today listed by the Office of Foreign Assets Control, 68 are part of the so-called dark fleet of elderly, anonymously owned ships solely deployed in lifting sanctioned oil from Russia

What to look out for in 2025 in risk and compliance

Lloyd’s List’s editorial team gives you a head start for 2025 by discussing the most important things to look out for this year in their field


Going out with a bang: US sanctions over 180 vessels and dozens of entities in unprecedented Russia crackdown

The US has unveiled the largest round of shipping sanctions in years, targeting more than 180 tankers and dozens of entities and individuals as it seeks to choke off Kremlin’s oil and gas revenues

Cosco Shipping Energy expects robust profit growth for 2024

In 2024, the expected 17.2% profit growth for Cosco Shipping Energy is driven by a strong international oil shipping market and strategic fleet management

The Daily View: Into the grey zone

Your latest edition of Lloyd’s List’s Daily View — the essential briefing on the stories shaping shipping

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