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Printed By


Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation

Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation

Published: 17 May 2024






INSURANCE OF FLEET, MARINE CARGO & Charterer’s liability


Sealed tenders are invited from reputed Marine Insurance Brokers, based in the United Kingdom

and having a minimum brokerage turnover of 50 million US dollar equivalent for the insurance cover

of the following for a period of 3 years commencing from 01st July 2024:

1). H&M, IV, WAR, LOH for our fleet of 5 LPG Carriers and 1 VLCC.

2). Marine Cargo Insurance.

3). Charterers liability insurance.


Tender documents will be forwarded to eligible bidders who sends their Expression of interests (EOI) latest by COB on Friday 07th June 2024, confirming that they meet the eligibility criteria, to be sent to the following address by letter or e-mail:


Sonatrach Petroleum Corporation

Panton House

25 Hay Market

London SW1Y 4EN

United Kingdom


e-mail: [email protected]


