WHO YOU ARE • You're business-minded and result-driven with a customer focus. Retail working experience is preferred. • You've ability to lead business through people by demonstrating high leadership capabilities. • You've ability to prioritise and organise your own work to make efficient use of the time available. • You've interest in people’s everyday life at home and home furnishing. • Fluent in English reading and writing is required. YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES • Optimize the IKEA shopping experience in your shop and store to secure satisfied customers and increase sales. • Motivate and inspire your team using knowledge of the IKEA product range and services, the local market and IKEA customers. • Optimizes sales and profitability of the department through following up, conducting analyses and taking actions. • You actively work towards fulfilling the four tasks of the IKEA store. ABOUT THIS WORK AREA We are the ones meeting our customers – in our stores, online, in our catalogue and beyond. We have knowledge of the IKEA product range, local markets and customer needs and we constantly find new ways of making real connections with our customers to maximize sales and profitability. Together with thousands of colleagues around the world we’re a diverse team working for the continued global success of the IKEA Concept – a concept that helps millions of customers create a better everyday life! QUESTIONS AND SUPPORT? LET'S CONNECT!
WHAT YOU'LL NEED TO HAVE • Good knowledge of budget process, cost and key performance measurements used to plan, follow up and steer the business. • Good knowledge of IKEA concept in a multichannel environment to build and improve competence within the FF Unit and the market • Good knowledge of the business plan process to support the creation of the store business plan for the market it belongs. • Good knowledge of the financial, growth plan and respective connected year cycle. • Good knowledge of sales steering and range management • Knowledge of “Sales to Range to Space”, “Range to Space to Volume” principles and “Sales Space dimensioning”. • Knowledge of the logistic industry and relevant trends as well being aware of customer behaviors/insights and the home furnishing market • Good knowledge of IKEA Code of Conduct, regulations and legislation relating to health, safety and security and all relevant Standard operational procedures YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES • Secure high customer satisfaction at lowest possible cost in a multichannel scope for goods availability and customer order fulfilment. • Responsible for leading and inspiring the logistics team by working closely with store commercial team and Country CFF team. • Actively participate in the management process to create the store business plan and logistic action plan, using global and country input. • Trigger and follow up on all logistic actions that support the country growth direction. • Accountable for securing sufficient short-/ mid-/ and long-term Store Fulfilment capacity, in line with the commercial direction, changing customer behaviours (shift of Cash
WHO YOU ARE • Local media and PR working experience, including media crisis case handling. • Well use the Word, PPT and graphic design software and related statistic tool. • E commerce knowledge and information about CN and local market. • Good in English communication and writing. • Passion and sharp insight about communication trend and methodology. A DAY IN YOUR LIFE WITH US • Establish close relationship with local media and KOL, have deep understanding of key influencers in local press and online environment. • Secure good exposure of IKEA brand in local market with deep understanding and relevant local insight analysis, secure good and strong brand image. • Bridge the inside (store
WHO YOU ARE • You have rich local market knowledge and customer insight • You are able to think strategically and formulate local action plan • You are able to influence people, collaboration, generate buy-in • You are able to form strong working relationships with all levels of management in the store A DAY IN YOUR LIFE WITH US • Recruit members and identify members • Build rich knowledge about members • Deliver relevant communication to activate members and drive traffic TOGETHER AS A TEAM We as a team build a long-term relationship with customers.
岗位职责: 1、根据产品需求和项目计划,按时提交完成架构和模块设计、编码、单元测试工作; 2、负责产品的架构和核心模块设计,输出技术设计规范,负责代码编写; 3、与业务部门协同配合,确定设计方案并负责最终实现。 4、改善、维护和优化相关产品的质量、性能、提升用户体验; 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,3年以上前端开发经验; 2、精通JavaScript、HTML5、CSS3、ES6等前端Web技术; 3、熟悉Web前端组件化、模块化开发模式和前端构建等; 4、具有Vue前端框架项目开发经验优先; 5、使用过ECharts,具有分析相关开发经验优先; 6、具有良好的组件化经验,具有公共组件库开发经验的优先;
WHO YOU ARE • You're business-minded and result-driven with a customer focus. Retail working experience is preferred. • You've ability to lead business through people by demonstrating high leadership capabilities. • You've ability to prioritise and organise your own work to make efficient use of the time available. • You've interest in people’s everyday life at home and home furnishing. • Fluent in English reading and writing is required. A DAY IN YOUR LIFE WITH US • Optimize the IKEA shopping experience in your shop and store to secure satisfied customers and increase sales. • Motivate and inspire your team using knowledge of the IKEA product range and services, the local market and IKEA customers. • Optimizes sales and profitability of the department through following up, conducting analyses and taking actions. • You actively work towards fulfilling the four tasks of the IKEA store. TOGETHER AS A TEAM We are the ones meeting our customers – in our stores, online, in our catalogue and beyond. We have knowledge of the IKEA product range, local markets and customer needs and we constantly find new ways of making real connections with our customers to maximize sales and profitability. Together with thousands of colleagues around the world we’re a diverse team working for the continued global success of the IKEA Concept – a concept that helps millions of customers create a better everyday life!
职位描述 1、对城市内所负责商户目标负责; 2、引入区域内商家入驻本地生活,能够独立完成平台产品、营销等功能的培训任务,并达到预期效果; 3、跟进所负责客户日常运营数据,包括各项目标进展及达成,并能够通过数据发现问题,并推进解决; 4、推进区域商家的本地团购商品的组品及优化,同时,提升商家短视频和直播的规模,实现目标的达成; 任职要求 1、具备农资行业从业经验或内容电商商家运营经验; 2、具备农资(农资/畜牧/农机)行业工作经验,具备区域行业资源、客户资源优先; 3、具备农资/畜牧/农机行业工作经验,对品牌、供应链及零售店结构了解; 4、沟通协调能力强,具备良好的资源整合能力及项目管理能力; 5、具备一定抗压性,强目标感,拿结果能力强。
WHAT YOU'LL NEED TO HAVE • Knowledge of how to implement plans, according to set budgets and goals • Knowledge about the rights and obligations of workers and employers • Knowledge of the people planning process and how it is executed in the unit • Knowledge of scheduling and time keeping software used in the unit and country and local legal requirements in people planning • Knowledge of IKEA employment standards and adherence YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES • Implement people planning strategy at unit level, following principles/guidelines as localised by the Country P
WHAT YOU'LL NEED TO HAVE •对家居零售行业充满热情,对家居生活有自己的见解。 •艺术设计类相关专业,熟练运用CAD、SU等设计软件。 •具备商业、美学、空间规划等综合能力,动手能力强,拥有软装/工装经验更佳。 •具备良好的沟通和团队协作能力。 YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES •运用商业思维和室内设计的专业能力,对商场的样板间和其他商业空间进行设计和改造,以此展现宜家特色的产品和家居解决方案。 •了解本地居民的家居生活,通过不同风格,不同居住情况以及不同价格阶梯的样板间,为顾客提供充满灵感又切实可行的家居解决方案。 •遵循宜家中国和宜家全球的相关指导手册和最佳实践,运用简单,经济,高效的工作方式呈现最佳的室内设计效果。 •持续了解零售和家居设计方面的流行趋势,动态调整设计展示,为顾客带来灵感和惊喜。 ABOUT THIS WORK AREA 以提升宜家品牌形象为目标,将更多的访客转化成为我们的顾客;以超出访客期望的方式宣传宜家家居用品,并结合具有强烈视觉冲击力的产品展示,吸引访客并给他们带来惊喜。 QUESTIONS AND SUPPORT? LET'S CONNECT! 在宜家,我们为员工提供全面薪酬福利体系: •薪资 基本薪资 13薪(薪资范围每年随市场水平进行调整) 全球奖金计划 基于员工忠诚度的利润分享计划 •福利 法定五险一金,补充养老保险, 补充商业医疗保险, 优于国家政策的休假制度, 各类有益身心健康的员工活动, 节日礼物 购买宜家产品折扣 •工作环境 健康美味员工餐,商场员工关爱室,年度免费健康体检 安全舒适的工作环境, 扁平的组织架构,平等的工作氛围 •发展机会 广阔的职业发展机会和定制化的个人发展计划 支持跨部门、跨城市和跨国家的内部转职机会(异地工作支持政策)
岗位职责: 1.文案撰写。围绕公司发展、产品研发、市场推广等内容和大事件,采编媒体稿件,包括传统媒体稿件和新媒体软件,对稿件质量负责; 2.宣传资料制作。围绕公司宣传需求策划制作宣传资料,包括不限于文档、PPT、图片、视频等形式; 3.活动策划与执行。围绕企业文化建设目标策划并跟进执行文化活动; 4.完成领导安排的其他部门工作。 职位要求: 1.本科及以上学历,市场、广告、传媒、工商管理等相关专业。 2.具有数据汇总,表格设计,和一定的数据处理能力;能熟练操作办公室软件尤其是EXCEL、PPT。 3.具有良好的创新能力。 4.有极强的自驱能力和逻辑思维能力,对新领域的探索有极大的兴趣,快速的学习和适应能力
简历投递邮箱:[email protected]
兹 有用人单位 江苏岚宸航海科技有限公司面向有志青年及退役军人开展航海工作岗位的招聘会。 1.工作内容: 操舵驾驶船舶在国内沿海航行和轮机员(不出国) 2.薪资待遇: 第一年每个月纯收入综合不低于9000元(扣完社保后到手的纯收入) 第二年每个月不低于9500元。 普通海员在船累计工作满18个月,公司安排转高级海员岗位,高级海员岗位工资每月不低于22000元 3.福利待遇: 管吃管住,住宿是单人间,24小时空调,恒温恒氧,单独卫生间,24小时热水。 每年休假可以休4个月,休假时间可以自行调整。每个月休假补贴工资3000元。休假期间社保不断交。 要求: 1.年18-40周岁男性有志青年或退役军人。 2.身体良好,没有色盲,没有传染病,初中学历以上即可。无犯罪前科。 3.需要到交通部海事局指定的海事大学培训三个半月(培训不带薪)培训期间的学费,住宿费,来回车票等等自行先支付。 招聘人数50名。 对岗位有兴趣的可以咨询:王经理 15693313761
企业直招 不收取任何费用专业招聘
专人服务 入职速度快50%优质服务
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