
Why, What, and then How

Can't solve a problem you don't understand

We are the H in Human-Computer Interaction. We make websites, mobile apps, content management systems, API’s. Anything that allows interaction between humans and computers.


We'll always start with asking "Why". Why are we doing this project in the first place? Why these goals and not some others? Why this target group and not a different one? We'll never take things for granted. It's sometimes hard and annoying, but without understanding the "Why", you might end up building a wonderful thing nobody needs. Neither users nor the client.


Once we're sure about the "Why", we'll start exploring the "What". At this stage, we'll throw around a ton of "What would happen if we did this..." sentences. We'll try out some smart ideas, stupid ideas, silly ideas. We'll challenge them, upgrade them, kill them when needed. We'll do anything that might help us understand how to achieve the goals.

If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid. Murphy


Now that we know both the "Why" and the "What", it's time for execution. Time to decide how we'll achieve all these things. If we did the previous two bits right, this one's gonna be a breeze. Yes, we still have to make it all come together and work. Tools and skills and experience will be required. But we'll have a clear compass to guide us, and there won't be any uncertainties.

The process is messy

We'd like it to be neat. It's not. Sorry.

Way back then, we wanted to nail the process. We spent a lot of time figuring out what needs to be done first, what comes after that, compartmentalizing stuff, drawing pretty diagrams. We were focused on the process.


Everything is called strategy these days. People publish a post on Instagram and call it strategy. It's not.


Design is important, visuals are important, but messages are the key. We make it so that a 5-year-old gets it.

User Experience

You need to understand your audience if you want them to feel nice. And they should feel nice, because it's nice. It also helps you achieve your goals.


Aesthetics are important to humans. We all love nice things. They represent our values. Values are nice because they define our actions through life.


The love language. Or multiple languages? The stuff that makes the wheels turn. The main course.


They help minimize the risk, make most of your budget and achieve your goals.