Strategy is a slippery word
Everything is a strategy these days. People publish a post on Instagram and call it strategy. It's not.
Strategy is a master plan. Which channels should we use? Web, mobile, Instagram, Facebook, TV, influencers? Why? What do we need to achieve business-wise? What should our tone of voice be? Why? Should it be the same across all channels? Or not? Should we optimize for sales or for awareness? Or both? Why?
Figure it out and that's strategy. That's your master plan.
Once you have it, we can get down and dirty into tactics. Tactics are operational things you'll do to fulfill your strategy. Tactics are execution. Facebook campaign is a tactic. Investing into a brand new PWA mobile application is a tactic. Since your strategy is in-line with your goals, tactics will eventually help move the needle on your business KPI's. Without strategy your tactics will be lost in space. If they happen to make an impact, it will be sheer luck. But with great strategy and great execution, your business is bound to move up and to the right.
We'll help you figure it out. That's what we do.