
Content is king

5 year olds have to get it, period.

Design is important, visuals are important, but messages are key. Say it the way everyone will get it. Normal speak gets your points across and performs. Formal speak sometimes does, but it’ll be dead dull along the way. And it uses too many words.

Content in digital is hard. Simple content is hard. But so is earning a billion bucks.

We do the homework: know the goals, know the audience, decide on a tone of voice and stick to it, damn it. Use words that matter and get those messages across. Test, iterate, rethink, rewrite, test again. Kaboom. Business goals get met and bucks get earned, with more bucks on the way.

It took us a freakin million hours to hone this skill and start reaping results through humorous, direct, no nonsense original copy. We believe in it, understand it and do it well. And it wins every time and beats the shit out of formal tone when we test compare the two approaches. Yes we still know how to communicate kosher if that’s your thing. Although it’s kind of inhuman. And we are Human, so there you go.

Photo & video

You might have noticed we shoot videos, edit them and give them voiceovers and subtitles. It’s all for a good cause of conveying the right messages quickly and because you need to have videos nowadays.

Dear client, please be open to shooting mockumentary style, shooting funny and interesting stuff, handheld stuff. And please don’t worry yourself and burden us with having to look like everyone else or have this tech spec or the other. Because 4K and Wide Color Gamut are not what will achieve you results.

Of course, we will shoot your stuff in 4K and Wide Color Gamut.

It’s just that we are likely to have smart ideas and great concepts in store for you so don’t go down pixel peeping avenue.

While at this subject: we also shoot still images that fit on websites and are better than stock stuff. That’s because they’re not as staged, neat, or perfect. They’re just more from the real world, original and purposely done for specific projects. They are also shot for you only and will not get resold to anyone with a fat wallet.

If you liked what you saw throughout this website, we should probably talk about working together.