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Current trend in health-care industry is to shift its data on the cloud, to increase availability of Electronic Health Records (EHR) e.g. Patient’s medical history in real time, which will allow sharing of EHR with ease. However, this... more
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      Information SystemsHealth SciencesInformation SecurityComputer Security
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization is a collection of smart contracts. When you look at an organization, you are really looking at a collection of agreements. An organization establishes different parties that have different things... more
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      BlockchainsBlockchain TechnologiesBlockchain technology in financial sector
This article offers a normative analysis of key blockchain technology concepts from the perspective of copyright law. Some features of blockchain technologies-scarcity, trust, transparency, decentralized public records and smart... more
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      International Copyright LawBlockchainsCollective Management of CopyrightBlockchain Law
Blockchain and other business disruption technologies have created a buzz in the last few years and have become an inevitable discussions topic in the financial circles. It will have game-changing impact on businesses, particularly on the... more
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      Regulation And GovernanceMutual FundsRegulation of financial marketsFinancial Regulation
The thesis explores potential challenges and opportunities for blockchains and International Relations (IR). The thesis also explores how IR can help understand blockchains as new conceptual phenomena. The thesis broadly questions: what... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyTrustGlobal Governance
This master thesis presents an introduction to Bitcoin and Blockchain elements. Firstly,we introduce how Blockchain works and its fundamentals. Then the cryptography isreviewed until it reaches the cryptographic hash... more
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Blockchain technology, along with distributed ledger technology (DLT), has caused quite a stir over the last year as many experts now consider that it has the potential for facilitating multiple bursts of creativity and catalysing an... more
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      Financial MarketsBlockchains
Due to their interesting features, blockchains have become popular in recent years. They are full-stack systems where security is a critical factor for their success. The main focus of this work is to systematize knowledge about security... more
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      CryptocurrencyBlockchainsblockchain security
which smart contracts have to offer, they are surely one of the most sought after professional skills by many individuals. If you, too, are one of them who want to excel in smart contracts, then you must invest in Blockchain expert... more
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      BlockchainsBlockchain Technologies
Crypto-coins (CCs) like Bitcoin are digitally encrypted tokens traded in peer-to-peer networks whose money laundering potential has attracted the attention of regulators, firms and the wider public worldwide. This article assesses the... more
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      FinanceGlobal GovernanceAnti-money launderingGlobal Financial Crisis
This report introduces the fundamental principles of the Blockchain focusing on its potential for the education sector. It explains how this technology may both disrupt institutional norms and empower learners. It proposes eight scenarios... more
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      BlockchainsBlockchain Technologies
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      Public Key InfrastructureBlockchains
Permissioned blockchains are arising as a solution to federate companies prompting accountable interactions. A variety of consensus algorithms for such blockchains have been proposed, each of which has different benefits and drawbacks.... more
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3rd International Conference on Blockchain and Internet of Things (BIoT 2022) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of Blockchain and Internet of Things.... more
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      The Internet of ThingsInternet of ThingsInternet of Things (IoT)IOT
Blockchain is a novel technology that is rising a lot of interest in the industrial and re- search sectors because its properties of decentralisation, immutability and data integrity. Initially, the underlying consensus mechanism has been... more
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      Distributed ComputingInformation SecurityCAP TheoremBlockchains
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether encourage the owners of computing resources to bring ever-increasing levels of processing power to bear in validating the distributed ledger of cryptocurrency purchases and sales. Initial coin... more
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      Virtual CommunitiesFree SpeechRegulationFreedom Of Expression
Blockchain technology is a new general-purpose technology that poses significant challenges to the existing state of law, economy, and society. Blockchain has one feature that makes it even more distinctive than other disruptive... more
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      Political EconomyInternational LawInternational TradeRegulation And Governance
Blockchain technology is, in part, a proposal to resolve ‘the political’ through technical means: decentralised networks to solve the problem of authority; cryptography to coordinate and secure the network; and game theory and incentive... more
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      GovernancePoliticsPeer to Peer NetworksDecentralisation
While there have been several reports and ongoing discussions on the topic, they primarily explore potential art market developments, and less of the creative possibilities and developments that Blockchain can offer and inspire. By... more
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      TechnologyArt TheoryContemporary ArtBlockchains
Eser iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde iktisadi ve teknolojik açıklamalara yer verilmiştir. Bu kapsamda Blockchain ve kripto paralara ilişkin temel terimler, bazı ödeme yöntemleri, para kavramı ve paranın kısa tarihçesi, paranın... more
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      Medeni Usul HukukuEkonomiToken EconomyHukuk
This introductory chapter provides an overview of the main legal and policy implications of blockchain technology. It proceeds in four steps. First, the chapter traces the technical and legal evolution of blockchain applications since the... more
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      Contract LawCompetition LawRegulation And GovernanceInformation Technology Law
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed digitalization and digitization across all industry sectors and blockchain is considered an innovative frontrunning technology with regards to applicability and usability in these challenging times.... more
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      FinanceDevelopment EconomicsCryptographyDigital Asset Management
L’open innovation se heurte indéniablement aujourd’hui à des problèmes d’éthique et de manque d’efficacité. Et si la blockchain représentait une voie à emprunter pour redonner liberté et pouvoir aux communautés d’individus désireuses de... more
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      Open InnovationCo-creationLiving LabsBlockchains
Blockchain has been gaining focus in research and development for diverse industries in recent years. Nevertheless, innovations that impact to the banking nurture a potential for disruptive impact globally for economic reasons; however it... more
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      BankingScientometricsLiterature ReviewBlockchains
This section will comprise all your past experiences of different jobs and the tasks delivered through problem-solving. This section can also include the certifications and training that you have obtained. If you still haven't got any of... more
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      BlockchainsBlockchain Technologiesblockchain startups
Автор анализирует понятие «смарт-контракт», приводит примеры прак-тики внедрения технологии смарт-контактов в зарубежных странах и в Рос-сийской Федерации, указывает на нерешенные вопросы правового регулирования механизма... more
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      BlockchainsBlockchain technology in financial sector
Cloud computing plays a critical role in modern society and enables a range of applications from infrastructure to social media. Such system must cope with varying load and evolving usage reflecting societies' interaction and dependency... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringClimate ChangeMachine Learning
Osservazione L'industria vinicola è laica. Ma un'industria moderna, con l'aiuto della tecnologia, può mantenere la tradizione di prodotti e servizi e utilizzare nuovi strumenti per migliorare l'ecosistema produttore, consumatore,... more
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      EconomiaDiritto CivileDiritto commercialeAGRONOMIA
NYDFS re--proposed "BitLicense" virtual currency regime
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      FinanceLawFinancial RegulationVirtual Currencies
if you want to have your place in the NFT world in the current day, it is best to go with a Whitelabel multi-chain NFT platform such as a marketplace. One of the main reasons is that such a platform offers a lot of advantages that can... more
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Paying for electronic commerce products with cryptocurrencies is an increasingly popular method. However, the situations where a seller expects one specific cryptocurrency as a payment while a buyer only possesses another, inevitably... more
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      CryptocurrencyBlockchainsSmart Contractsdecentralized finance
Social networking pages authenticate by blockchain technology, through authenticating personal information and profile pages in the form of block and then distributing them with Blockchain to become a trusted reference point. To... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologySocial NetworkingMechanism Design
Resumen: El caso venezolano demuestra que la Administración electrónica tiene tan solo un rol instrumental para la realización de la actividad administrativa, especialmente en el ámbito de la intervención económica. Bajo adecuadas... more
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      Tecnologías de la Información y ComunicaciónCorrupciónBlockchainsSimplificación Administrativa
Land administration system (LAS) represents a formal system that is used to locate and identify a real property and to keep record of past and current data regarding ownership, value and use of that property. A great number of public... more
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      Land Law and AdministrationBlockchains
Supply chain management is hampered by a lack of information sharing among partners. Information is not shared as organizations in the supply chain do not have direct contact and/or do not want to share competitive and privacy sensitive... more
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      Bullwhip effectSupply ChainsBlockchains
Authenticity and integrity of digital information have been discussed extensively within the record management and archival sectors for several decades. The on-going projects and research in the area have resulted in an... more
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      Digital Archiving and Records ManagementAutenticitetBlockchainsArkiv- och informationsvetenskap
The technology has unprecedented advancement over the last few years,substantially with the Internet commoditization .This has evolved immensely to the healthcare industry.This growth lead to create the electronic healthcare that provides... more
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      Information TechnologyBlockchains
Electricity is an essential comfort to support our daily activities. With the competitive increase and energy costs by the industry, new values and opportunities for delivering electricity to customers are produced. One of these new... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceSmart MeteringElectricity and electric mobility
Islamic ethics and solidarity among believers are characteristics that permeate Ibadat, islamic acts of worship, and in particular the Zakat that is a fundamental basis of welfare in modern Islamic States. However, it sometimes happens... more
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      Islamic LawComparative LawIslamic FinanceZakat
Smart Contracts (SCs) are programs stored in a Blockchain to ensure agreements between two or more parties. The combination of factors like the newness of the field, with less than a decade of practical use, and a high and growing... more
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      Software EngineeringVulnerabilityBlockchainsSmart Contracts
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in underdeveloped countries are receiving funds from donor agencies for various purposes, including relief from natural disasters and other emergencies, promoting education, women empowerment,... more
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      Information SecurityComputer SecurityEncryptionBlockchains
International Journal on Cryptography and Information Security ( IJCIS) is an open access peer reviewed journal that focuses on cutting-edge results in applied cryptography and Information security. It aims to bring together scientists,... more
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      Hash FunctionsSymmetric key encryptionPrivate-Key EncryptionCryptocurrency
As internet users become subjected to stricter and more developed means of surveillance and censorship, the developments towards a decentralised version of the network move forwards by providing functional and scalable alternatives. These... more
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      International RelationsPolitical PhilosophyLegitimacy and AuthorityGlobalization
Smart homes and healthcare have increasingly grown more popular in the recent years. Due to the amount of data, it records the need for a more secure method is needed to ensure security and privacy. Consequently, these methods can also... more
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In the context of private ordering—where rule sets are relatively fluid, centrally controlled, and exist in the shadow of law and regulation—developing generalizable insights about comparatively superior governance mechanisms is... more
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      Constitutional LawInstitutional EconomicsPolitical EconomyPolitical Theory
Blockchain as a decentralized distributed ledger is revolutionizing the world with a secure design data storage mechanism. In the case of Bitcoin, mining involves a process of packing transactions in a block by calculating a random number... more
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      AlgorithmsBlockchainsBlockchainBlockchain Technologies
Омский научный центр СО Ран, г. Омск 2 Омский государственный университет им. Ф. М. Достоевского, г. Омск 3 институт проблем переработки углеводородов СО Ран, г. Омск
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      BusinessDigital CurrencyBlockchainsFintech
Usually reservation system involves financial transaction, hence any reservation application has to deal with lot of banking hazards also has to deal with cancellation process. Some of the reservation system may have to deal with bad... more
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      Distributed ComputingNode.JSBlockchainsDocker
In this presentation, Emre addresses a new technology of interest for both Computing and Business: Blockchain. Blockchain includes, but is not limited to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Blockchains are also used e.g. in insurance,... more
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      Business EthicsInformation TechnologyCryptocurrencyBlockchains
The paper explores the potential for deploying blockchain within existing organisations to support value creation and capture. Drawing from the study of a charity retail organisation, the paper finds that within incumbent business models,... more
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      Retail ManagementBusiness Value of ITTechnology and innovation managementCharity Organizations