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THE MIGRANT AS CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTOR: Joseph Nechvatal interviewed by Thyrza Nichols Goodeve for the Brooklyn Rail
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      ArtArt TheoryContemporary ArtPainting
If the 21st century is to understood in terms of the proliferation of interface and image exchange platforms and if predominate forms of media only attempt to reconcile and navigate these technologies, theoretical examinations of these... more
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      Humanities Computing (Digital Humanities)Art TheoryComputer NetworksInternet & Society
Ce livre apporte des éléments de compréhension de l’art contemporain à partir d’une réflexion sur le land art américain, qui a bouleversé le rapport du spectateur aux œuvres d’art en l’invitant au voyage. Le land art est aujourd’hui très... more
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtPhotography TheoryAmerican art/ Art of the United States
On ideas of geography, immigration, inhabitation, art as an undisciplined practice, exhibitions as field of study and the broader field of education. Published in "Lines of Control: Partition as a Productive Space". Edited by Iftikhar... more
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      GeographyArt TheoryContemporary ArtArt Education
Libro dedicado al pensamiento de Bataille, incluyendo en primer lugar un importante texto inédito hasta ahora en español (una conferencia sobre el juego y el placer no incluida en las Obras Completas publicadas en Francia). A través de... more
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      PhilosophyAestheticsPolitical PhilosophyArt Theory
This book condenses and evaluates hundreds of current journal articles in psychology, neuroscience and cognitive science and makes their principles and results available to art historians, cultural theorists and philsophers in ways that... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPhilosophyArt TheoryContemporary Art
A partire dai primi anni del XX secolo, anzitutto in area germanofona e poi in Italia e in altri contesti, all’interno delle concezioni che hanno insistito sull’autonomia come carattere distintivo dell’arte, si è fatto ricorso a più... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryPhilosophy of ArtGeorg Simmel
In English see here: Zárkózott, fojtott, szenvedélyes embernek írják le az emlékezők. Némelyek szerint folyton Monopol gyúrógumit,... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryPhotographyHungarian Studies
Twórczość Tadeusza Kantora wypełniona jest odniesieniami do innych tekstów kultury i konwencji artystycznych. Odniesienia te badane są w jego twórczości malarskiej i teatralnej, rzadziej – w realizowanych przez niego happeningach.... more
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      Art TheoryIntertextualityMethodology (Art History)Happenings
This article, which is a fragment of my PhD Dissertation written under the supervision of Professor Corina Popa, examines the way in which illusionism is discussed in the early modern period, thus trying to offer, in its original context,... more
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      Art TheoryArt and ScienceGiovan Pietro BelloriOptical Illusions
Résumé du mémoire de recherche de Marine Hebert
Sous la direction d'Annie Claustres
Université Lyon II
Master Recherche Histoire et Théorie de l'Art des XXe et XXIe siècles
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      Art HistoryWomen's StudiesArt TheoryContemporary Art
(Book introduction) Figures of Touch: Sense, Technics, Body Eds. Mika Elo & Miika Luoto As a sense modality, touch has been both over- and undervalued in Western culture. On the one hand, touch has been regarded as the basis of sense... more
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      New MediaArt TheoryTouchTechnics
As a participant in the internationally presented eight part series The Scientists - Profiles of Discovery in 1979 by the Science-Unit of Australian National Television my subtitle was Pope the Catalyst. In that year UNESCO appointed me... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsPhilosophyArt TheoryClimate Change
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      Philosophy of ScienceArt TheoryLandscape paintingsNicholas Poussin
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      Art TheoryMichael Baxandall and the Social History of StyleHistoriography of Art History
The illustrious Italian city of Florence was the cradle of the cultural revolution known as the Renaissance that forever changed the face of Europe and the world. A cultural revolution that involved literature, the visual arts,... more
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      Art HistoryTheatre StudiesArt TheoryRenaissance Studies
"Introduction: What is True About Artemisia?" by Sheila Barker; "Identifying Artemisia: The Archive and the Eye" by Mary D. Garrard; "Mary Magdalene in Ecstasy and the Madonna of the Svezzamento: Two Masterpieces by Artemisia" by... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesArt Theory
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      Visual StudiesArt TheoryHistory of Perspective in PaintingPhilosophy of Art
Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault are widely accepted to be central figures of post-war French philosophy. Philosophers, cultural theorists, and others have devoted considerable effort to the critical examination of the work of each of... more
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      Critical TheoryDiscourse AnalysisHistoryCultural History
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      Cultural HistoryGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureAesthetics
A short introduction to the book. The anthology Curating as Anti-Racist Practice reflects upon museums and exhibitions from the perspective of postcolonial museology, and critical migration and regime research. Beyond critical analysis,... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesArt TheoryMuseum StudiesPostcolonial Studies
Like most young artists during the Depression, Sidney Gross' early style was influenced by the social realism encouraged by the WPA prominent art schools like Cooper Union and the Arts Students League. He also drew on the surrealist... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArt TheoryContemporary Art
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      OpticsPrint CultureArt HistoryArt Theory
Art and Ideas Francisco de Hollanda and Sixteenth-Century Aesthetics The historians of aesthetics who have studied the problem of ideas in art theory (from Panofsky to Baeumler and Tatarkiewicz) have overlooked Da pintura antiga, by... more
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      History of IdeasArt TheoryRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Platonism
Liquids are homologic in different scales to bodywaves, electric flows, adult stages... Since the reproductive, balanced S=T wave state of all forms of hylozoist matter shares the properties of 'liquids' even if strictly speaking we... more
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      MathematicsArtificial IntelligenceLanguages and LinguisticsArt Theory
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      Design (Theatre Studies)Art TheoryScenographyTheory and Practice of Visual Arts
FIELD: A Journal of Socially Engaged Art Criticism is pleased to announce the launch of issue #15, “Learning Art and Resistance from the South”. This issue was guest edited by Eva Marxen of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.... more
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      Latin American StudiesPolitical PhilosophyArt TheoryPostcolonial Studies
Le développement dans l’art contemporain de pratiques artistiques qui se situent à la croisée de plusieurs médiums (intermedia, mixed media, multimedia) ou qui ont recours aux « nouveaux médias », tout comme dans le domaine du... more
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      Art HistoryMedia StudiesArt TheoryFilm Studies
Tarihin her döneminde, o dönemin politik özeliğine, düşünme tarzına, teknolojik gelişmelerine ve zevklerine bağlı olarak değişik sanatsal anlatım biçimleri doğar. Zevk, insan doğasının bilinmeyen yönlerinin ortaya çıkartılması kadar,... more
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      Art TheoryWalter BenjaminFrankfurt School
Przysługujący widmom wywrotowy, niemalże rewolucyjny potencjał został odsunięty oraz zagubiony poprzez pozbycie się tej kontrowersyjnej kategorii z terytorium metafizyki i zbyt pośpieszne odesłanie jej do przestrzeni badań nad literaturą,... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesFuture Studies
Hedlin Hayden, M., 2003: Out of Minimalism: The Referential Cube. Contextualising sculptures by Antony Gormley, Anish Kapoor and Rachel Whiteread. Written in English. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Figura Nova series 29. 282 pp. Diss.,... more
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtMinimalismSculpture
This thesis studies a specific relationship between matter and form which can no longer be related to stability, solidity and objectuality, as it has been traditionally interpreted. To this aim, it firstly explores the plurivocity in the... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryResearch MethodologyWater
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      HistoryAestheticsArt HistoryArt Theory
The book (1997) review the main issues on Public Art focussing on the main aspects of art Theory and the relationship between Public art and Urban Regeneration
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      ArchitectureArt TheoryPublic ArtCommunity Engagement & Participation
This thesis is an investigation into the legitimacy and limits of the term “body art” in its vernacular sense, wherein it refers to methods of decorating or ornamenting the body, such as tattooing or piercing. Though the term is widely... more
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      HistoryPlastic SurgeryArt HistoryArt
Santiago Sierra once described himself as a “minimalist with a guilt complex.” This essay explores how he has addressed his socio-economic concerns within his art practice. Sierra’s interest appears to lie as much with 'work' as labour,... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary ArtSantiago Sierra
In the article «From zombie art to dead art» philosopher Raamy Majeed from Cambridge University touches on a number of traditional issues for the philosophy of art and aesthetics. Considering the phenomenon of zombie art, – these artworks... more
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      AestheticsArt TheoryPhilosophy of Art
Disrupting the Gaze is written in three parts. The first chapter Art Intervention and the Tate Gallery investigates contemporary art intervention at the Tate Gallery. It includes artists, art groups and activists: Graham Harwood,... more
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      CommunicationArt HistoryMedia StudiesNew Media
We live in an age of movement. More than at any other time in history , people and things move longer distances, more frequently, and faster than ever before. All that was solid melted into air long ago and is now in full circulation... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionHistorySocial Movements
La storia recente dell’umanità è stata segnata da profondi cambiamenti tecnico- scientifici. La tecnologia ha cambiato il nostro modo di percepire, di agire e di comunicare. Solamente negli ultimi anni, la rivoluzione di internet ha... more
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      New MediaArt Theory
This is a two-part essay on the current condition and prospects of art criticism around the world.
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      Art HistoryJournalismArt TheoryContemporary Art
Life in the 1940s to the 1950s was unique. It was a time of growth, movement, luxury and change.
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      Art HistoryDesignArtArt Theory
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      Classical ArchaeologyArt HistoryChinese PhilosophyArt Theory
Jacques Derrida -Memorias del ciego 1 Selección de fragmentos y traducción por Carlos Fisgativa -¿Debería solamente escuchar? ¿u observar? ¿o mirarte en silencio mostrándome los dibujos? -Las dos, una vez más, o entre las dos. Te haré... more
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      AestheticsArt HistoryArt TheoryWalter Benjamin
Convocarte — Revista de Ciências da Arte n.º 5 Revista Internacional Digital com Comissão Científica Editorial e Revisão de Pares Tema do Dossier Temático ARTE E ACTIVISMO POLÍTICO: PERSPETIVAS DA HISTÓRIA DA ARTE E ESTUDOS DE CASO Ideia... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryActivismArt and Activism
Es un estudio sobre la concepción de lo bello y el libre arbitrio en la filosofía de Plotino
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      PhilosophyAestheticsArt HistoryArt Theory
Humanities the complicated ways in which artists interact with the work and ideas of predecessors. The result is an excellent and needed supplement to art-historical accounts privileging minimalist-oriented sixties sculpture. Summing Up:... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryContemporary Art
19). Es folgen Vorschriften zu Priestertum und Kult. Für den Bau berief Gott schließlich den Kunsthandwerker Bezalel, der "erfüllt mit dem Geist Gottes, mit Weisheit und Verstand und Erkenntnis" das Werk gemäß den göttlichen Vorschriften... more
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      Art HistoryTheologyArt TheoryMedieval History
Dada was born out of negative reaction to the horrors of the First World War. This international movement was begun by a group of artists and poets associated with the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, began in 1916, spreading to Berlin shortly... more
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      Art HistoryArt TheoryLiteratureContemporary Art