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The purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of bitcoin adoption among individuals and also to assess whether the usage of the bitcoin technology for payment of transactions is preferable to other modes of payment. The study... more
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    • Bitcoin
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Editore ‏ : ‎ Postmedia Books  __ Lingua ‏ : ‎ Italiano
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      Nuovi MediaBitcoin
This master thesis presents an introduction to Bitcoin and Blockchain elements. Firstly,we introduce how Blockchain works and its fundamentals. Then the cryptography isreviewed until it reaches the cryptographic hash... more
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Crypto-coins (CCs) like Bitcoin are digitally encrypted tokens traded in peer-to-peer networks whose money laundering potential has attracted the attention of regulators, firms and the wider public worldwide. This article assesses the... more
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      FinanceGlobal GovernanceAnti-money launderingGlobal Financial Crisis
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Blockchain has numerous benefits such as decentralisation, persistency, anonymity and auditability. There is a wide spectrum of blockchain applications ranging from cryptocurrency, financial services, risk management, internet of things... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInformation Security and PrivacyDecentralizationInternet of Things (IoT)
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether encourage the owners of computing resources to bring ever-increasing levels of processing power to bear in validating the distributed ledger of cryptocurrency purchases and sales. Initial coin... more
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      Virtual CommunitiesFree SpeechRegulationFreedom Of Expression
Blockchain technology is a new general-purpose technology that poses significant challenges to the existing state of law, economy, and society. Blockchain has one feature that makes it even more distinctive than other disruptive... more
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      Political EconomyInternational LawInternational TradeRegulation And Governance
Free Download here: Smart contracts promise a world without intermediaries. However, that promise has quickly proved elusive, including in the context of Initial Coin Offerings... more
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      Corporate LawSecurities LawTokenizationGatekeepers
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      BitcoinInitial Coin Offerings
This discussion applies quantitative finance methods and economic arguments to cryptocurrencies in general and bitcoin in particular ---as there are about $10,000$ cryptocurrencies, we focus (unless otherwise specified) on the most... more
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Eser iki bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde iktisadi ve teknolojik açıklamalara yer verilmiştir. Bu kapsamda Blockchain ve kripto paralara ilişkin temel terimler, bazı ödeme yöntemleri, para kavramı ve paranın kısa tarihçesi, paranın... more
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      Medeni Usul HukukuEkonomiToken EconomyHukuk
This case study, written for Harvard Law School, proposes a fictional scenario in which students, playing the role of Federal Reserve staff members, are asked to consider two possible designs involving central bank digital currencies:... more
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This introductory chapter provides an overview of the main legal and policy implications of blockchain technology. It proceeds in four steps. First, the chapter traces the technical and legal evolution of blockchain applications since the... more
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      Contract LawCompetition LawRegulation And GovernanceInformation Technology Law
Based on the failure to cut down poverty rate to 7% by 2019, I argue that the Indonesian Government needs not only planning and identifying targets, but also look for ways to realise its objectives. The State Budget spent through social... more
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      EconomicsIslamic EconomicsMacroeconomicsPoverty
The birth of the internet and the subsequent adoption of information and communication technologies (ITCs) has revolutionized global business opportunities. Businesses worldwide now use ICTs to manage their day to day organisational... more
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      Virtual CurrenciesBitcoinAmazon Web ServicesAlibaba
NYDFS re--proposed "BitLicense" virtual currency regime
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      FinanceLawFinancial RegulationVirtual Currencies
A presente pesquisa buscou analisar aspectos conceituais, inovativos, mercadologicos e quantitativos do Bitcoin (BTC) e como os mesmos se traduzem na volatilidade dos seus retornos. Apos expostos conceitos basilares sobre o BTC, moeda e... more
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      PhilosophyVolatility (Financial Econometrics)Two-Sided MarketsBitcoin
Desde o surgimento da primeira criptomoeda, o bitcoin, empresas para intermediação entre quem quer comprar e vender moedas virtuais, as exchanges de criptoativos, foram surgindo com enfoque na comercialização de moedas virtuais. Nesse... more
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      Direito DigitalBitcoinBancosCriptomoedas
Este trabalho é dedicado aos grandes economistas em cujos ombros subimos hoje.
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GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD ... Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony... more
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    • Bitcoin
You will never lose your hard earned Bitcoin to Scammers again after going through this short report!
Remitano is an awesome concept and a peer to peer market place where you can buy and sell bitcoin.
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      Money and BankingCryptographyBitcoin
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental SustainabilityEnvironmental Law and Human RightsClimate Change Impacts
Blockchain has emerged as one of the finest and promising technologies in the last decade. Bitcoin started the journey in 2008 and soon blockchain technology paved the way much beyond cryptocurrencies in form of smart contracts... more
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      Cyber Physical SystemsDistributed Data StorageBitcoinBlockchain
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      Financial RegulationBitcoinShadow bankingCryptocurrency
Technical introduction to Bitcoin - a peer to peer cryptocurrency.
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      CryptographyPeer-to-PeerP2p(peer-2-Peer) NetworksCoins
The article was published in April 2018 in Education Technology Solutions (ETS); it was co-jointly written with a primary classroom teacher Gaya Pillai who was a teacher in STEM research in a NSW public school in 2017. ETS is now online... more
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      Educational ResearchSTEM EducationBitcoinPrimary School Education
As internet users become subjected to stricter and more developed means of surveillance and censorship, the developments towards a decentralised version of the network move forwards by providing functional and scalable alternatives. These... more
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      International RelationsPolitical PhilosophyLegitimacy and AuthorityGlobalization
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      Machine LearningForecastingSupport Vector MachinesNeural Networks
What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is different things to many different people. At its core it's a network of trust. A decentralized network that is coded to transact without the need for third party verification. Its main application is the... more
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Comment revendiquer un actif numérique comme le Bitcoin ou une cryptomonnaie en cas de vol ou de faillite de la place d'échange ?
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      Banking LawBitcoinCryptocurrency
The invention of the Bitcoin protocol has opened the door to new forms of financial interaction. One such form may be to adapt Bitcoin technology for use as a community currency. A community currency is a form of money issued by a... more
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      Computer ScienceCommunity CurrenciesBitcoinCryptocurrencies
Num cenário econômico globalizado é relevante pensar que se concebem novos mecanismos pelos quais a dinâmica comercial moderna possa desenvolver-se. As unidades monetárias fazem parte da história humana, e o homem valeu-se de uma vasta... more
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Uang adalah alat pembayaran yang sangat di butuhkan oleh masyarakat luas, kehadiran uang ini memungkinkan dalam melakukan kegiatan transaksi akan lebih cepat mudah dan efisien, sebelum adanya uang masyarakat pada zaman dahulu menggunakan... more
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      Money and BankingBitcoinCryptocurrency
This booklet is designed to give the reader an overview of general bookkeeping practices and accounting terminology in respect of the crypto-coin „Bitcoin”. It brings together financial cryptography innovations such as the Signed Receipt... more
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      Monetary EconomicsAccountingManagement AccountingAnti-money laundering
In The Curse of Cash, Kenneth Rogoff lists reductions in criminal activity and tax evasion among the primary benefits of eliminating cash. We maintain that, to the extent that individuals are interested in purchasing illicit goods and... more
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      Monetary theoryBitcoinMoney search modelsCryptocurrency
Blockchain technology is new technology for digital asset tracking and management. Initially Blockchain was implemented as a financial solution, through the Bitcoin and its digital cryptocurrency. This was changed with the development of... more
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      IT in healthcareSmart HomeSmart ObjectsBitcoin
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      Money LaunderingBitcoinDireito Penal EconômicoCryptocurrency
This paper explores recent efforts by cultural institution and private start­-up companies to engineer digital art markets using cryptocurrency technologies in order to propertize digital artworks that were previously presumed to be... more
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      Media StudiesIntellectual PropertyCopyrightDigital Arts
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    • Bitcoin
Bugün pek çok tartışmaya konu olan ve yükselen bir fi nansal teknoloji olarak isimlendirebileceğimiz Bitcoin’in ortaya çıkışı 2008’de başlayan Küresel Finansal Kriz’den sadece bir buçuk ay sonra gerçekleşti. Satoshi Nakamoto isimli, şu... more
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      Uluslararası ekonomi PolitikBitcoinEkonomi PolitikUluslararası Politik Ekonomi
Over recent years there has been a frequent use of the word virtual currency. Unlike traditional currency which were backed by gold or silver; a Cryptocurrency is a digital currency produced by a public network, rather than any... more
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      BitcoinDigital CurrencyCryptocurrency
Traducido al español por CriptoNoticias Resumen. Una versión puramente de igual-a-igual de dinero en efectivo electrónico permitiría que los pagos en línea sean enviados directamente de una parte a otra sin pasar por una institución... more
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      Derecho AdministrativoDerecho constitucionalDerechos HumanosSistema Interamericano de Protección de Derechos Humanos
Bitcoin has proven that a peer-to-peer electronic cash system can indeed work and fulfill payments processing without requiring trust or a central mint. However, for an entire electronic economy to be based on a fully decentralized,... more
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      Computer ScienceCryptographyBitcoinCryptocurrency
Blockchain technology (BCT), since its emergence touted to be disruptive, is gaining momentum especially in the agri-food system owing to its multiple benefits. In the paper, we attempted to conduct a systematic bibliometric analysis of... more
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      Supply Chain ManagementBibliometricsScientometricsAgriculture
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      BusinessComputer ScienceSoftwareScripts
The emerging cryptocurrency market has lately received great attention for asset allocation due to its decentralization uniqueness. However, its volatility and brand new trading mode has made it challenging to devising an acceptable... more
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      Deep LearningBitcoinCryptocurrencyTrading Strategy
A draft methods practicum.
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      CyberpunkInternet memesCyberspaceCyberpunk and steampunk
In summer 2018 bitcoin gained a huge popularity and media coverage, this attracted a lot of speculators that pushed its value to over 20000$, in the couple of months from the peak it feel down to 3000$. Many skeptics such as Warren Buffet... more
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