Cody's got a best friend now..
Buddy compliments Cody's haircut.
Chef's mad at Cody for bringing a toy from home to the daycare.
Cody tells Chef that he finally has a friend.
Chef still orders Cody to put the toy in his cubby.
Cody asks Chef if he can spend the day with him.
Chef decides to let Cody play with the toy.
Duncan makes fun of Cody for having a buddy toy.
Beth and Owen stand up for Cody.
Beth points out that Cody technically has more friends than Duncan now.
Duncan pretends to be jealous of Cody.
Cody doesn't realise that Duncan is just being sarcastic.
"Umm, it's called snarcasm!" - Duncan
Cody wants Beth and Owen to take care of Buddy till he goes to the bathroom.
Buddy means everything to Cody.
Owen thinks the buddy toy is creepy.
Buddy calls Beth sweeter than candy.
Buddy tells Duncan that he looks great today.
"Today? What do you mean today? You say in other days I don't look good?" - Duncan to Buddy
Owen's glad nothing bad happened to Buddy.
Buddy gets stuck to Harold's toy.
Harold wants the buddy toy to get off of Dr. Baby Magnet Face immediately.
The kids can no longer play with Buddy.
Beth tells Duncan that he owns Cody a big apology.
Duncan thinks that what happened wasn't his fault.
Owen wonders how are they going to tell Cody what happened.
Beth comes up with a plan.
"Oh, now I see! I have no idea what I'm doing!" - Beth
Beth thinks that they should just get as far away from Cody as possible.
Owen puts Beth into the buddy toy.
Cody doesn't realise that Buddy is actually Beth
Cody wonders why are they talking so loud.
The kids go outside to play.
Beth compliments Cody's tea party.
Owen tries to stop Cody from giving Beth hot tea.
Cody gives hot sauce to Beth.
Beth after she drinks the hot sauce.
Owen gives honey to Beth.
Cody points out that honey attracts animals.
Beth gets attacked by a raccoon.
Owen gets the raccoon off of Beth.
Beth tells Owen to get her out of the toy already.
Cody build a ramp for them to play with.
Owen wonders how was Cody able to build the ramp.
Cody calls himself a good constructioner.
Owen tries to change Cody's mind.
Cody pushes Beth down the ramp.
Beth rides down the ramp..
.. and flies into the space.
Beth doesn't want to do this anymore.
Beth wants Owen to be in the buddy toy now.
Cody doesn't realise that Buddy is actually Owen.
Beth tells Cody that Owen went to the bathroom.
Cody tells Owen that they're going to be gentle with him.
The kids go play with Buddy again.
Owen gets hit in the face with a bird.
Cody thinks that they're going too fast.
Beth makes Cody drive even faster.
Cody's about to run over a snail.
Cody stops the car so that he won't hit the snail.
Owen caught something too.
Owen gets attacked by multiple sharks.
Cody now wants Buddy to ride a pony.
Owen apologises to Beth for what he did to her.
Beth accepts Owen's apology.
Beth wonders what are they going to do now.
Owen thinks that they should just tell Cody the truth.
Beth thinks that it's Duncan who should be punished for what happened to Buddy.
Duncan wants to fool Cody into thinking that he's Buddy.
Owen tries to change Duncan's mind.
Beth stops Owen from talking.
Duncan tells the kids that no matter what happens, don't tell Cody that he's in the toy.
Cody's pony is actually a bear.
Duncan gets attacked by the bear.
The kids think that they got out of the toy at the right time.
Duncan wonders what just happened.
Cody's reaction when he sees Duncan.
"Duncan was Buddy this whole time? Duncan is my best friend!" - Cody
Cody goes to play with Duncan.
The kids think that things worked out perfectly for all of them at the end.