Harold's about to perform something.
Beth hopes that Harold won't be doing a magic show.
Harold wonders what is in the smoke bombs.
Courtney's surprised that Harold believes in magic considering that he didn't in season 1.
"Save it for the message boards, nerd." - Chef to Courtney
Harold makes random things come out of his hat.
A rabbit comes out of Harold's hat and runs away.
Gwen thinks that Harold's magic show just got interesting.
Chef cancels Harold's magic show.
Chef lets Harold do one more trick.
Harold needs a volunteer from the audience for his next trick.
Harold asks the kids which one of them wants to vanish.
Beth thinks that magic is evil.
Chef asks Beth how is magic evil.
Beth was once MacArthur's assistant.
Beth gets beaten up by a pigeon.
.. set the entire city on fire.
Gwen doesn't consider Harold's magic to be evil.
Gwen considers Harold's magic to be a mockery of the dark arts.
Duncan volunteers for Harold's trick.
Chef has always wanted Duncan to disappear.
Harold's about to do his last trick.
Harold tells Duncan that he's not a real magician.
Harold finishes his trick.
Only Cody ended up liking Harold's trick.
Beth orders Harold to bring back Duncan.
Courtney tells Beth to relax since she thinks Duncan's under the table.
Everyone else thinks that Duncan's under the table too, except Beth and Cody.
Harold pretends that he doesn't know what table is Courtney talking about.
The kids notice that Duncan's not under the table.
Everyone's reaction to Duncan disappearing.
Harold wonders where did Duncan go.
Gwen finds it cool that Harold's magic is real.
Chef won't let Harold do any more tricks.
Harold feels bad for Duncan and will try to bring him back.
Duncan didn't disappear, he just hid in his tunnel.
Duncan explains how he got into the tunnel.
Duncan will prank his classmates and put the blame on Harold's magic.
Courtney thinks that there's a logical explanation for Duncan's disappearance.
Beth considers magicians to be evil.
Beth's mom tells her daughter to stop calling her at work.
Gwen wonders what is Harold's conjuring.
Harold searches for a spell that can bring back Duncan.
Beth thinks that it was Harold's magic that made the car chase after Cody.
Courtney and Leshawna think that it was just a coincidence.
Harold searches for another spell that can bring back Duncan.
Duncan makes some birds attack Cody.
"I got a new hat!" - Cody
Chef also gets attacked by the birds.
Beth is annoyed by the kids still not believing her.
Duncan orders a large magnet.
"What part of this mustache do you not understand?" - Duncan to a Construction Worker
Harold will try using 2 cheap plastic wands.
Harold says another magic spell.
Duncan uses the large magnet that he ordered.
Harold tries to reverse his spell.
Duncan loves the prank that he created.
Courtney now also believes that Harold's magic is evil.
Leshawna feels bad for ever doubting Beth.
Duncan hopes that the kids won't hurt Harold.
Beth will use the juice wizard 5000 on Harold.
Duncan finds it lame that he has to rescue Harold.
Harold tells the kids that he's not evil.
Gwen wants to make zombies come to life.
Duncan throws smoke bombs at the kids.
The kids can't see anything now because of Duncan's smoke bombs.
Duncan tells Harold the truth about his magic.
Duncan will try to make it seem like Harold can fly.
Duncan fools the kids into thinking that Harold can fly.
Beth will beat up Harold like an evil pinata.
Gwen wants Harold to take her with him.
The kids find out that Duncan was here all this time.
Gwen's disappointed that Harold's magic didn't end up being real.
Chef's reaction when he finds out that Duncan is back.
Chef finds out that the kids used the juice wizard 5000.
Chef asks Duncan if he faked his disappearance.
Duncan admits that he faked his disappearance and constantly pranked the others.
Chef gives all of the kids a time out.
.. turns Duncan into a rabbit.
Duncan tries to make Beth attack Gwen for what she did.
Beth thinks that Duncan is just lying.
Duncan now thinks that he deserved turning into a rabbit.