I have had our Lulu here for a couple of days.
She had a light rash that started on her arms
and spread to her tummy
and then her legs.
Early on it didn't look like much to worry about.
Her Daddy took her to the walk-in clinic.
They told him that it was "nothing",
a reaction to something she ate or "something"
and sent her home with Benadryl.
She couldn't go to school all itchy
so she stayed with me and spent the night.
Yesterday, she got up and I looked at her.
NOW she had a REAL RASH!
I called my daughter and said-
She needs to see her pediatrician asap.
My daughter called and got her right in,
they performed the test and
(which is kinda like strep gone bad).
She is quarantined to my house for
a couple of days.
She will be fine but needs some tending.
SO~I will be back in a couple of days with
Enjoy your weekend
and I will see you soon.
I think I might have a rash myself!
Yeah- and Happy Thursday to YOU, too!