Aug 17, 2017

Rubie's Roses....

My grandmother was a woman who
loved roses...
she didn't grow them
or indulge in fresh florist roses...

she painted them...
her inspiration
came from the stacks of
old fashioned rose greeting cards...

this platter
is my favorite piece she painted...
fluffy pink cabbage roses...


as I look at her work
I see so clearly
where my love of roses began...
I loved the idea of creating a vignette,
where her inspiration
and mine
were joined...

my Grandmother Ruby,
had a great friend
named Irma....
they would get together and paint...
and when they had enough completed projects
they would fire them in the kiln together...
that is how a funny mistake was made,
my grandmothers plate was finished but unsigned...
Irma signed it for her...
I wonder is Ruby was disappointed
in the misspelling,
or if they laughed it off...
it may be a mistake,
but to me...
I kinda like it...
I find it endearing.
it makes me think of the happy hours they spent together,
the bond of friends...

She didn't want to be loved for her petals,
She wanted to be loved for her thorns.
She knew if someone loved her flaws,
they would love her whole.
j. iron wood

sometimes the beauty in life lies in the flaws...


Harriet Taylor-Yardley said...

Your grandmother was very talented. I think your vignette is lovely.

Janneke said...

A wonderful painted platter, just love it. The story behind it and the memories for you are priceless.

LV said...

Gorgeous work. Truly awesome tribute to this special lady. I love roses too.

Thelma said...

What a beautiful platter. Precious. Roses are in your genes. Your Grandmother was a talented lady and so are you with this beautiful blog Bella.

NanaDiana said...

What a beautiful blog post, Bella. I think that plate is gorgeous and the name thing is kind of comical. I bet your grandmother laughed it off....or maybe not. lol

Have a wonderful Thursday night...hope it has been a happy week for you. xo Diana

Laura said...

The roses are so pretty like the story

Rose L said...

It is not easy to paint roses. I can picture it and know their beauty in painting left a legacy. My mom always grows roses and just loves them. Her name and mine are both Rose!

Karen @ Beatrice Euphemie said...

What a sweet treasure, Bella, and such a tender story of your grandmother's friendship, too. I love your pretty vignette and the wonderful quote. Such a lovely post. xx K

Bente said...

Wow, so beautiful. The plate is fantastic. Your grandmother had a great talent.
Hugs from here

Kathryn Ferguson Griffin said...

Your grandmother was very talented! I remember going to a "painting" party with my mother when I was a child. The party was held in the middle of the day so there would be good natural light. I was fascinated seeing all of these ladies painting cups and saucers. So very beautiful. Thank you for sharing. Have a lovely rest of the week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

Unknown said...

Amo visitar seu muito bom gosto...