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Terraria Wiki
PC versionConsole versionMobile versionOld Chinese versiontModLoader versiontModLoader 1
PC/Console/Mobile/Old Chinese/tModLoader/tModLoader 1.3-Legacy-Only Content: This information applies only to the PC, Console, Mobile, Old Chinese, tModLoader, and tModLoader Legacy versions of Terraria.
For more elaborate strategies on defeating the Moon Lord and details about his abilities, including weapon and arena recommendations, see Guide:Moon Lord strategies.

The Phantasmal Deathray is a devastating laser beam fired by Terraria's final boss, the Moon Lord. It emerges from the eye socketed inside the Moon Lord's forehead as a thick line that reaches beyond the edges of the targeted player's screen, and will sweep the area, covering most of the screen in its path. If his target is to his left, it sweeps clockwise, and if they are to his right, it sweeps counter-clockwise. The central eye takes at least 2 seconds to charge the attack and will remain open for a further 2 seconds before closing, accommodated by two phantasmal bolts prior and after. The Phantasmal Deathray deals an extraordinary amount of damage: 150 / 300 / 450.

The Moon Lord's True Eyes of Cthulhu can each fire their own version of the Phantasmal Deathray when unsocketed, however theirs are thinner, deal two-thirds the damage, and have much less range.


Moon Lord Phantasmal Deathray

The Moon Lord in battle firing his Phantasmal Deathray which is colliding with solid blocks directly above the targeted player. On PC version PC, Console version Console, Mobile version Mobile, and tModLoader version tModLoader, the deathray traverses through blocks instead, and will damage the player.

  • It is possible to avoid the deathray by staying close to the Moon Lord's head, and moving up and around the central eye as it fires the ray. The ray does not sweep as quickly when nearby its origin point, due to the nature of rotational movement, so being as close to its origin as possible makes it easier to maneuver around.
  • The Mechanical Cart's speed DOES NOT allow the player to outrange the laser, as well as the beam of the True Eyes of Cthulhu.
  • The Rod of Discord is a significantly easier option as it allows the player to instantly warp behind the beam as it sweeps.
  • In the Old Chinese version Old Chinese version and tModLoader 1 tModLoader 1.3-Legacy version, the beam does not traverse through solid blocks, allowing the player to build overhead cover to shield themselves from it.

