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Terraria Wiki
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Laser Machinegun
  • Laser Machinegun item sprite
Stack digit 1
Damage60 (Magic)
Knockback2 (Very weak)
Critical chance4%
Use time20 (Very fast)
RarityRarity level: 8
Research1 required
Projectile created
  • Laser Machinegun
    Laser Machinegun
  • Laser
Obtained from Obtained from
Classic mode icon Classic
Expert mode icon Expert
Master mode icon Master
Martian SaucerMartian SaucerMartian Saucer116.66%
Laser Machinegun (demo)

A player firing the Laser Machinegun, with the 2 second delay before full speed.

The Laser Machinegun is a Hardmode, post-Golem magic weapon that has a 16.67*1/6 (16.67%) / 11.11*1/9 (11.11%) chance to be dropped by the Martian Saucer from the Martian Madness event. Before reaching full firing speed, the Laser Machinegun will spin up for roughly two seconds. Each shot fires 2 inaccurate lasers. Like the Razorpine, the projectiles do not pierce through enemies.

Its best modifier is Mythical.


  • The Laser Machinegun is not affected by attack speed modifiers.
  • At full speed, the weapon fires every 6 ticks.[1] This means the weapon fires 10 shots every second.


  • Due to its long wind-up time, it is much more efficient to use Mana Potions with this weapon instead of Mana Regeneration Potions.
    • The Mana Flower or one of its upgrades can help the player to auto-use potions and provide a minor reduction to mana usage. Some players may prefer using the Quick Mana key to free up a slot for other accessories.
  • Try to wind up the Laser Machinegun while no enemies are nearby, as to avoid being damaged while waiting for the weapon to fully wind up.
  • This weapon's projectiles seem to continue traveling very far whilst off-screen. Thus, it can be used to slowly but safely destroy the Celestial Pillars whose barriers have been dropped.
  • It is possible to fire the Laser Machinegun through a one-block wall if the player is standing right next to it.
  • With three Mana Boosters from the Nebula armor's set bonus, mana will regenerate faster than the weapon can consume it.
  • Using this against Duke Fishron is very effective. Due to his size, all the projectiles of the machine gun can reliably hit, and it will also destroy any detonating bubbles fired by him.


  • The Laser Machinegun could be considered an upgrade to the Laser Rifle or the Heat Ray, which would make it the final weapon in the Space Gun series. However, in combat it is more similar to the likes of the Razorpine and Sky Fracture since its projectiles do not pierce.
  • Though it is named after a machine gun, the Laser Machinegun's spinning barrel makes it more similar to a Gatling gun.
  • In the trailer for 1.3, it is shown being wielded by a player wearing Vortex armor a few times. This may imply that it was once a ranged weapon.



  1. A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria's updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.