Operation Midnight Freedom was the codename for a battle during the Cold War between the forces of the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, which took place over the planet of Fondor. A group of fleeing Republic soldiers and colonists were fleeing imperial custody in the Fondor system. Attacked by the Empire, the survivors managed to escape in a small shuttle. An Imperial fleet was called in to destroy the shuttle in order to cover up the Empire's aggressive actions against the planet's populace, which were in violation of the Treaty of Coruscant. Calling for aid from the Republic, the conflict was resolved when members of the Coruscant Aegis arrived, protecting the shuttle until its escape to hyperspace.
Behind the scenes[]
Operation Midnight Freedom appears as one of the Space Missions available in the MMORPG Star Wars: The Old Republic. Republic players are called to protect a shuttle from Imperial War Frigates and MK VI snubfighters. Bonus missions are available to destroy 25 Imperial fighters, the 20 turrets of the Terminus starship, and a final mission to destroy the command point of the Harrower ship. Operation Midnight Freedom is the Republic counterpart of the Empire space mission Operation Silent Roar, which takes place above the planet Jabiim.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (First appearance)
Notes and references[]
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STAR WARS: The Old Republic - Question ! :) - Page 3 on The Old Republic's official website (backup link) places Star Wars: The Old Republic about ten to twelve years after the signing of the Treaty of Coruscant, which is dated to 3653 BBY by Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia. The Old Republic — The Lost Suns 2 takes place ten years after the treaty, one week after the mission to Nar Shaddaa, and around the time of the SpecForce Incident. Since the mission and the incident are respectively part of Act I of the Jedi Knight and Republic Trooper's storylines, and the Trooper's Act I occurs concurrent to Act I of the Smuggler storyline, the general events of the Prologue and Act I for all classes can be assumed to occur in 3643 BBY.