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The Introductory Adventure Game was designed as a soft start to the D6 role-playing system from West End Games. A notable difference from the full West End Games system are the combined skills (such as Melee representing Melee Combat and Melee Parry). The boxed set was published in March 1997 by West End Games. The adventure centers on the players escaping pursuit of Imperial forces on the planet Edan II.

The boxed set contains a Player Booklet; a Narrator Booklet; an Adventure Booklet; paper punch-out miniatures; punch-out cards for characters, items, and vehicles character templates; six six-sided dice; and maps for the Rebel Base, the YT-1300 light freighter, the Mos Eisley Spaceport, the Mos Eisley Cantina, the Docking Bay Entrance, the Imperial Scout Post, and the Bunker Entrance.

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Opening crawl[]

The Rebels have destroyed the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin. Angered by this defeat, the Empire has vowed to hunt down and extinguish the Rebel Alliance. Guided by probe droids and deep-cover spies, the Imperial Fleet has sent its powerful Star Destroyers far and wide to eliminate and Rebel activity. The Empire has at its command thousands of TIE fighters, AT-AT walker, and dreaded Imperial stormtroopers. These forces are dedicated to the destruction of the Rebel Alliance.

Far off in the Outer Rim, Rebel X-wing starfighters have wreaked havoc on Imperial shipping. Striking from a hidden base on Edan II, the Rebels have captured valuable supplies, weapons and medicine to aid the Alliance in the Galactic Civil War. Their successes have been small. If they continue, Edan Base could pose a greater threat to the Empire.

Even now an Imperial Star Destroyer is on its way to Edan II to destroy the base and take control of the planet. You will help determine whether the Rebels survive or the Empire triumphs. The Alliance needs you to strike back against Imperial tyranny. You are about to embark on a fantastic saga by playing

Introductory Adventure Game


By type
Characters Organisms Droid models Events Locations
Organizations and titles Sentient species Vehicles and vessels Weapons and technology Miscellanea



Droid models



Organizations and titles

Sentient species

Vehicles and vessels

Weapons and technology


Notes and references[]
