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Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 


This article is about the in-universe position. You may be looking for the bureaucrats of Wookieepedia.
"Enter the bureaucrat. The true rulers of the Republic."
Senator Palpatine[1]

A bureaucrat was a person who held an administrative position in an organization. Shodon Ko was a bureaucrat for the Hyperspace Navigator's Guild.


Palpatine derided Chancellor Valorum (center) as a weak politician dominated by bureaucrats, convincing Queen Amidala to initiate a vote to oust him.

When Senator Palpatine tried to persuade Queen Padmé Amidala of the sovereign planet Naboo that the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, Finis Valorum, had a politically weak position in the Senate, Palpatine told Amidala that the intervention of Vice Chancellor Mas Amedda and Staff Aide Sei Taria in Valorum's speech to be an indication of a Republic mired by the interests of bureaucrats.[1]

After a brief exchange between Valorum and his staff, the Chancellor agreed with the delegates of the Trade Federation—which had invaded Naboo to protest trade regulations—that a Senate committee be established to ascertain the situation on the planet. Frustrated by the Senate's bureaucracy and inaction, Queen Amidala tabled a Vote of No Confidence in Chancellor Valorum's leadership. Palpatine was subsequently elected as the Republic's Supreme Chancellor due to the Senate's sympathy for Naboo[1] and held on to his emergency powers during the Clone Wars, asserting absolute power at the end of the war as the Emperor of the New Galactic Empire;[2] the final remnant of the Republic and democracy was abolished with the dissolution of the Imperial Senate just before the Battle of Yavin.[3]


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