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A baton, also called a shock baton, stun baton, security baton, or tactical baton was a melee weapon utilized primarily by law enforcement officers as a personal defense and crowd control tool.


Batons were melee weapons, but could be equipped with a Stun to immobilize organic targets by producing an electrical charge that shimmered on the shaft.[3]


Batons were carried by police officers and GU-series Guardian police droids of the Coruscant Security Force[2] and of the Mandalorian Guard.[4] Riot clone trooper of the Coruscant Guard were also armed with TZ-97 "Zapper" Shock Batons for duty on Coruscant.[1] Both stormtroopers and Imperial "Riot" Cadets wielded them during Governor Ubrik Adelhard's Iron Blockade of the Anoat sector.[5] The Captain of the Mon Calamari Guard Gial Ackbar used a baton that also fires blaster bolts during the Clone Wars.[6]

Electrobatons and electro riot batons were used by Imperial Purge Troopers and scout troopers and KX-series security droids.[7] The prison guards at the Narkina 5 Imperial Prison Complex utilized zap rods to deal with prisoners.[8] During the Narkina 5 prison escape, escaping prisoners used zap rods to attack prison guards.[9]

Grand Admiral Thrawn owned a combat baton.[10] Jyn Erso was trained by Saw Gerrera to use truncheon at his base on Wrea. She later purchased a collapsible pair of truncheons at Five Points[11] which she used on Jedha against stormtroopers.[12]

The bounty hunter Mercurial Swift had a pair of batons where both ends were concussive while the other end was electric, allowing him to set the baton to kill or stun. One of Swift's batons was modified with a hypoinjector for poison.[13]

The First Order's riot control stormtroopers used the Z6 riot control baton, which had collapsible vanes and could withstand a lightsaber's blows.[14] The Resistance spy Vi Moradi owned a specialized tactical baton that had saved her rump on more than one occasion.[15]


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