Transcoding - personal thoughts

There's been a lot of talk over the last year about web-mobile transcoding proxies and all the pitfalls (and pratfalls) that go with them. Last year at mobileCampLondon I gave a talk to people interested in the subject. At various industry events people come up to me to talk about the issue. Recently, this topic has been reignited with an interview with Jayanthi Rangarajan in Mobile Marketing Magazine - so I thought I would share my thoughts and opinions. I was partly involved with the…

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The Future of Voice

A reel-to-reel tape recorder.

I went along to the Social Media Cafe's talk on The Future of Voice. It was a wide ranging discussion on how we use our own voices in different situations and how we use our product's voice. A couple of questions for you to ponder. There are no right or wrong answers and no prizes, just something to seep into your brain. Voice If you saw your voice written down, could you place it? Could you tell yours from someone else’s? How does your product speak to its customers Digital L…

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