The Video Terence Eden is on Mastodon@edentEVERY EMOJI!❤️ 1,306💬 54🔁 020:09 - Tue 24 October 2017 Download the WEBM version (19MB). The Process Mostly notes to myself, but I thought you lot might be interested 🙂 Get Every Emoji from Twemoji Twitter maintain the Twemoji Project - it contains high quality SVGs of every emoji. They generously make them available under CC-BY. But grabbing all the SVGs we want is a little tricky. GitHub don't make it easy to download a sin…
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OK, this might be the weirdest, most zeitgeisty thing I've ever been asked to review! I mean, it is literally exactly what you think it is. A device to turn your expensive smartphone into a penny-ante plastic gizmo. Oh, and there's an app! This is the preposterously named Ring Spinner (stop snickering at the back)! If you are overcome with desire to spin your ring (stop it) you can pick them up on Indiegogo for about $7 each. Here's the gist. It sticks to the back of your phone. You can…
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I've never been a big fan of subscription boxes. They always seem to deliver too much (who uses that many toothbrushes a month?!?!) or the quality is too variable. That said, I was intrigued by the offer of a bunch of British delicacies delivered to my gaping mouth every month. Kate@katebevanReplying to @edent@edent The idea is apparently that it's a surprise, tho choc, nice charcuterie, pickles etc. @AndyMW2602 is the man to ask.❤️ 0💬 0🔁 010:42 - Fri 18 August 2017Andrew Murray-Wa…
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This T47 drone was provided to me by RC Moment to review. A tiny, hand held drone, with blinkenlights, and SELFIE MODE! The 720p camera can record video as it flies, or turn around and snap a photo of you. It also has a range of SnapChat-style filters. Not bad for something costing £40. The motors and propellers fold away into the body of the drone - making it less prone to damage in transit. Black Box It all comes wrapped up in a portable padded box. Bundled in with the drone, you …
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