color strip deduplication
Apps Script

Color Vector embeddings vs Video Intelligence API labelling

In Making a film color DNA I described how I was using both color strips and labelled content to find videos that were duplicates or similar. I’m already using ElasticSearch to disambiguate films using labels and object tracking artefacts identified by the Google Video Intelligence API. The next step is to enhance that similarity matching using the color strips of a film as finger prints. […]

Apps Script

Proxy magic with Google Apps Script

I’ve written a few articles on here about JavaScript proxy and reflect. I use both extensively not only in Node projects but also in Apps Script. In this article I’ll demonstrate how to extend built-in […]

random contrasting font colors
Apps Script

Calculate contrasting font colors for Sheets.

If you are playing around with Sheet colors with Apps Script, you sometimes find yourself with font colors that don’t go well with the background colors you’ve chosen. However, we can use Yiq values to […]

Google Apps Script logo
Apps Script

Use a proxy to catch invalid property access

Accidentally accessing non-existent properties and tracking down where that is happening is a big time waster that a JavaScript proxy can help you track down. In Fix Apps Script file order problems with Exports I […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Iterator magic – Splitting an array into chunks

It’s a pretty common requirement, especially when you’re posting to an API, to split an array of data into manageable chunks, and most often the solution is to make an array of arrays – with […]


Handly helper for fiddler

If you use some of my libraries, you may have come across  the Fiddler class, which abstracts sheet data and provides a more functional way to manage data from multiple sheets in a Google Spreadsheet. […]

apps script v8
Apps Script & Java Script

Qottle recipe: Managing asynchronous queues with duplicates

Qottle recipe for managing asynchronous queues with duplicates Qottle is a queue for asynchronous tasks with prioritization, ratelimit, and concurrency support. It can also detect and reject duplicate requests. This recipe shows an example of […]

apps script v8
Apps Script & Java Script

Qottle recipe: How to manage an asynchronous polling queue

  Qottle is a queue for asynchronous tasks with prioritization, ratelimit, and concurrency support. This recipe shows an example of a qottle queue for continuous, controlled polling. Qottle recipe for polling You can use qottle […]


Vuejs and Vuetify – what does v-on mean

Many things in Vuetify and Vuejs are hard to come to grips with, but for me, none more so that the very odd property v-on and its relationship to v-slot:activator Two things that helped me see […]

exchange apps script foriegn currency
Apps Script

Apps Script

What is Apps Script It’s the language used for extending GSuite and is based on JavaScript. Unlike the JavaScript that runs in your browser, it runs on a Google Server in the cloud, but unlike […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

scriptDb JavaScript api examples

The JavaScript client is very similar to A VBA API for scriptDB, so reading that will give you a more detailed flavor of what can be done. The implementation is very different though, and there are […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Testing the API

This is a ScriptDB API for JavaScript. The tests that are referred to in scriptDB API for JavaScript are implemented in Code is below <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset=”utf-8″ /> <title>scriptDB data input –</title> <link […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

scriptdbcom implementation

Here is the javascript implementation for the scriptDB API. It needs jQuery. * methodType = “GET”; */ var dataType = “json”; if(!postData) { u += “&callback=?”; dataType = “jsonp”; } var d = $.Deferred(); var […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Authenticating scriptDb JavaScript API

As per this blog post, Google Apps Script does not support CORS (cross origin resource sharing) to allow access from cross domain client apps. The API uses JSONP for GET requests to get over this, but […]

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Integrating VBA and Javascript

Unit testing Apps Script ports from VBA

In Integrating VBA and Javascript I showed how you could run your JavaScript and Apps Script source locally on your PC from VBA. In this example, we’ll use that capability for comparative unit testing. Again […]

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Integrating VBA and Javascript

Local VBA versus JavaScript performance

In Integrating VBA and Javascript I showed how you could run your JavaScript and Apps Script source locally from VBA. Let’s take a look at how they perform. Recap You’ll recall that we can pull […]

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Integrating VBA and Javascript

Executing Apps Script with VBA

In Integrating VBA and Javascript I showed how you could run your JavaScript and Apps Script source locally on your PC from VBA. The example in Local VBA versus JavaScript performance used apps script code […]

Integrating Excel with Maps and Earth

Zooming and Bounds

When you click on an infobox, use a quicklink or select a category on a generated map the zoom level will change (if you have enabled it in your excel parameters.). Click on an infobox or use a quicklink Here […]

Google API

infoBox for google Map popups

What is the infoBox An infoBox is an enhanced infoWindow. Details can be found here . I will be converting the Google Maps modules on this site to use the infoBox rather than the native Google Maps […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Using Google Earth

javaScript: Flying around and asynchronicity in google Earth This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications and the Javascript HowTo section Google Earth Api You will find tons of content on Google Earth , most of which is described […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Using Google Visualization DataTables

javaScript:creating google visualization DataTables This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications and the Javascript HowTo section Google Visualization Tables I have covered Google Visualization in various forms with an ‘Excel slant’ on this site. Let’s take a look […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Providing VizMap Data without Excel

VizMap: the data javaScript This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications For this example I had created a  Concerts/Venues example that is now deprecated. The complete workbook (googlemapping.xlsm) can be downloaded (above) and the example Parameter WorkSheet is […]

Google API

Encoding client keys for Maps

If you have a business account for Google Mapping, you’ll need to provide your client id and crypto key. These things are meant to be kept private, so I did not provide a mechanism for […]

Integrating Excel with Maps and Earth

Using Google Earth – creating KML files

Plotting markers on on a Google Earth This article will cover how to create a basic KML file so that your Excel data can be mapped on Google Earth. There is a more advanced implementation […]

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General JavaScript techniques

JavaScript currying and functional programming

In Abstracting services with closures I showed how you could get more functional by using closures. Curried functions are another approach to encapsulating values in a function – minimizing the number of arguments and variables […]

Integrating Excel with Maps and Earth

Calculate lat/lon from distance

Given a start point, a distance and a heading, it is possible to work out the resulting latitude and longitude. See the maths behind it here. See Radians Versus Degrees for the utility functions we […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Click events in Google Earth

javaScript: Click events in Google Earth This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications and the Javascript HowTo section Events in Google Earth I deal with event handling in Google earth in Using Google Earth but dealing […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Using Google Visualization charts and tables

javaScript: creating google visualization charts and tables This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications and the Javascript HowTo section Google Visualization tables and charts All visualizations are created from the dataViews mentioned in Using Google Visualization DataViews. Once […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Creating a tabbed Google Mapping InfoWindow

javaScript: creating tabbed content This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications and the javaScript ‘howTo’ section. For this example I had created a  Concerts/Venues example that is now deprecated. The complete workbook (googlemapping.xlsm) can be downloaded (above) and […]


VizMap Element positioning

VizMap: the element parameter Block This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications This parameter block is handled by cDataSet classes and defines the dictionary fields required for each tab on a markers infoWindow and how to handle their […]


VizMap Dictionary

Deprecated Google has now stopped its Earth API and Maps API is a paid for API nowadays. Some capabilities have also been either removed or changed. Therefore, I had to remove all examples of VizMap […]

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Integrating Excel with Maps and Earth

Tailoring Output

Tailoring the look of your VizMap application Info Window look and feel There are a number of things you can tailor to change the behavior and look of your generated application. VizMap Element positioning allows you […]

Google API

Adding flight paths to Maps

Overlaying polyLines to make flight paths on google markers This article will cover how to add flight paths to Google Maps. For a quickstart, see Step by Step Guides Try it out first ? If you […]

Google API

Quicklinks and Categories

Navigating using quicklinks and categories Try it out first ? For a summary step by step explanation see How to add quickLinks to a Map If you just want a to try it, then you can […]

Apps Script & Java Script

javaScript functions

functions are Objects too. As I mentioned in Learning javaScript every variable in js is an object. A javaScript function is also an object. This means it can be assigned to a variable. consider this.. function x() […]

From VBA to Google Apps Script

classes and javaScript

Creating and working with classes in VBA is very different from working with js classes. In fact, JavaScript is a classless language – there is no such thing as a class. This is not so […]

From VBA to Google Apps Script

Learning javaScript

Google apps script is javaScript, with the addition of a set of classes which allow access to Google apps capabilities such as spreadsheet data structures and so on. This means that to be able write […]


Adding markers to Ovi Maps from Excel

Put addresses on a map as markers We’ve already looked at how to geoCode addresses using various APIs and how to create maps with Google Maps from Excel data.  Now let’s look at using Bing Maps  to put […]

Integrating Excel with Maps and Earth

Adding markers to Bing Maps from Excel

Put addresses on a map as markers We’ve already looked at how to geoCode addresses using various APIs and how to create maps with Google Maps from Excel data.  Now let’s look at using Bing Maps  to put […]

Adding markers to Yahoo Maps from Excel

Put addresses on a map as markers We’ve already looked at how to geoCode addresses using various APIs and how to create maps with Google Maps from Excel data.  Now let’s look at using Yahoo Maps  to put […]

Google API

Adding markers to Google Maps from Excel

We’ve already looked at how to geoCode addresses using various APIs. Now lets look at using Google Maps to put markers on a Map using an Excel worksheet as input. As usual you can find the […]

Integrating Excel with Maps and Earth


Filling in the gaps with  Mapping APIs This article will cover 2 main topics How to use the most common APIs for GeoCoding (clean up an address and find it’s co-ordinates) Comparing various GeoCoding APIS […]

Integrating Excel with Maps and Earth

Using Twitter in Earth and Maps

javaScript: Twitter API integration with  google Earth and maps This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications and the Javascript HowTo section Twitter API Using the Twitter RESTful API, it is very straightforward to add relevant tweets to […]

Apps Script & Java Script

cJobject and javascript equivalents

There is plenty of reference information cJobject on this site, starting with How to use cJobject, or just enter cJobject in the search box. Here’s a quick reminder of what you’ll need to understand to follow […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Mapping the demo

By the time that A gigantic pub crawl gets here, then various components will have suggested pubs inside an area and declared pub crawls. We can use the Maps API to work out the optimal route between […]

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Integrating Excel with Maps and Earth

Complete Excel Address Data with Yahoo Placemaker Maps API

Geocode Excel Data with Yahoo Placemaker If you haven’t read about Yahoo rules on doing this, please do. Since we have done this in Google Maps, and in Bing Maps, I thought it would be worthwhile to see […]


Pixels needed to render a string

Why would you need to ? Perhaps for layout, you may want to place text where it will fit, or change the font size if it doesn’t. On example I came across was using when […]

General JavaScript techniques

jquery promise snippet

Promises are an elegant way of providing for the handling of the future completion of an action in JavaScript. You will be familiar with the concept of a callback. This allows your app to get […]

Apps Script Specific

Migrating from to MongoDB

You probably read the announcement that is closing its hosting service. This is probably a good time to look at firebase, but if you are using my dbabstraction library, you can change to some other backend […]


Parallel processing in Apps Script

There’s no getting away from the fact that Apps Script is slower than the equivalent client based JavaScript processing. It is fundamentally synchronous in implementation, and also has limits on processing time and a host […]

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Apps Script Specific

Backing off on rate limiting

There are many rates and quotas in the Google Apps Script environment. One of the usual ways of dealing with it is to sleep between instructions, but that seems to be a rather blunt instrument. […]


Big quiz score reports

‘m showing score reports for the BigQuiz app. This is an individual players score compared to the maximum he could have got as well as the number of questions that were correctly answered, and also comparing […]


Quick doughnut and pie charts with a radial timer

If you’ve been trying out the Configurable circular timer with D3 or playing around with Example of clock using d3 configurable timer you’ll have seen how easy it is to create a versatile timer by just configuring a few […]

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Example of clock using d3 configurable timer

In Configurable circular timer with D3 I showed a circular timer made with D3.js . Although it’s not really what it’s for, this simple example shows how to make a complex viz. This is a clock […]

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Configurable circular timer with D3

I don’t use jQuery, neither in regular webapps nor in Apps Script HtmlService apps. No particular reason – I just prefer to use vanilla JavaScript. I often use d3.js, mainly for visualization as in these examples elsewhere […]

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BigQuiz app

This is a webapp that touches on a number of different Apps Script capabilities such as.. The app structure OAuth2, and multiple providers and roles Firebase authentication Firebase to manage player data Using libraries to […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

Color scheme explorer

In this section, we’ll build an application that pulls together many concepts already covered elsewhere on this site. You can run it standalone at, or below, embedded in this page  The target application Pulling together Playing […]

Google API

Overlaying circles and heatmaps

Overlaying shapes on markers  Try it out first ? If you just want a to try it, then you can download an example application (googleMapping.xlsm) and come back here later. First you should take a look at Adding markers […]

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Apps Script & Java Script

d3.js and parse mashup

This is an interesting d3.js and mashup of a number of topics covered on this site. The target is to build an app that Retrieves color scheme data from a database, much like […]


VizMap javaScript

VizMap: the generated javaScript This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications For this example I had created a  Concerts/Venues example that is now deprecated. The complete workbook (googlemapping.xlsm) can be downloaded (above) and the example Parameter WorkSheet is […]


Using Google Maps

javaScript: Flying around and asynchronicity in google Earth This relates to Data Driven Mapping applications and the Javascript HowTo section Google Maps Api You will find tons of content on Google Maps, most of which is described […]

Google API

Data Driven Mapping applications

Deprecated Google has now stopped its Earth API and Maps API is a paid for API nowadays. Some capabilities have also been either removed or changed. Therefore, I had to remove all examples of VizMap […]

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Integrating VBA and Javascript

Integrating VBA and Javascript

There’s a lot of stuff on this site about both JavaScript and VBA. In addition to all the JavaScript that people are generating for Apps Script, there are millions of libraries and useful pieces of […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Google Apps Script HTML service

One of the most powerful features of Apps Script is the HTML service. This allows you to create html/JavaScript applications which can be served up as webapps, run in sidebars or as add-ons and created great […]

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Running things in parallel using HTML service

Apps Script is inherently synchronous – you cant do lots of things at once. Primarily to get round the execution limit, I did a science project using triggers for parallel processing but the triggers are fairly unpredictable […]

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Debugging Office JavaScript API add-ins

If you already write Apps Script add-ons, you’ll know that debugging can be a little challenging, and although you can use the developer tools in chrome on a running add-on, breakpoints don’t persist between sessions […]

Apps Script & Java Script

How to use javaScript from VBA

What can you learn here? scriptcontrol object call from VBA use javaScript The ScriptControl Object This object gives you access to a scripting engine that will accept scripting in both javaScript and VBScript. Since this site has […]