What to download

All the individual downloadable items referenced in this site can be found here. Please scroll down to find the package(s) you want.  The 2 most likely ones are cDataSet.xlsm or GoogleMapping.xlsm which you’ll find in the googlemapping and data manipulation folders below.

Note that there is a huge amount of samples and code in these workbooks, and you won’t need most of it.  However, you can update your own workbook or create an empty one with selected code online  automatically  – see this post Integrate VBA with Github.

Everything on this site is free to use. See Reusing code from this site for more details. If you find something of use, please share it on your favorite social network or tweet about it.

For help and more information join our forum, follow the blog or follow me on twitter.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is used to in some workbooks to see what is popular, and what versions of what are being used  – see Instrumenting VBA for Google Analytics for details. You can read how I use this on this post.

No personally identifiable information is stored as per Google Terms of Service. If you have problems (no internet connection or proxy problem, or otherwise want to opt out of that),  please follow the instructions below, and modify your copy of what you have downloaded.

You can easily opt out of google analytic reporting by setting pOptOut to true in the cUAMeasure class as below.

 Private Sub Class_Initialize()    Set pBrowser = New cBrowser    ' change this to true to opt out of analytic reporting    pOptOut = False

Click on the table below to access the downloadable artefacts

Github stuff
Data Manipulation
Embedding Google visualizations in Excel and serializing Excel Data
General purpose Countdown Timer or Progress Bar
Get Data from Outlook
Getting Started Snippets
Google Analytics
Google Mapping
Google Visualization implementation of Roadmapper
Hiding Data in Excel Objects and JSON serialization
Roadmapper Project
Sudoku Solver and Generator Project
Useful user defined Functions
Github stuff

View VbaGitBootstrap on github. This is the repo for GitHub/VBA integration 

View or Download VbaGitBootStrap.xlsm. You’ll need this to get started with VbaGit 

Data Manipulation

View Download arrayformulas.xlsm – demonstrate the use of array formulas and optimization with MAtCH() 

View Download bitCoinAuto.xlsm  –

View Download blisterFunctions.xlsm –examples of google apps script blister custom functions being accessed directly from excel 

View Download cDataSet.xlsm –CdataSet – class files for caching and working with structured excel data and parameters. Also includes Excel/jSon/Excel,d3.js, an Excel/Rest library and various other examples

View d3Force interactive example –This is a fore diagram representation of some test data from the iTunes database

View Download dbabstraction.xlsm

View Download emptycdataset.xlsm –This is a version of cDataSet that only contains the most useful classes and modules, and has no samples. You can download this for a clean version to build upon 

View Download funnycharts.xlsm

View Google apps version of rest library –You can get the shared restLibrary Google Workbook here. To access the scripts, go to file and make a copy.

View Download googleImport.xlsm –import data into excel from google spreadsheets – oauth2 is implemented 

View Download horsesankey.html

View Download oauth2credentials.xlsm –use this to contain all your oauth2 credentials. It only needs to be run once.

View Download promises.xlsm –This is a basic implementation of promises in vba to handle orchestration of asynchronous activities 

View Download restLibrary.html –This is the online rest library. Will be updated with additional entries from time to time 

View Download sankey.html –this is a sankey diagram using d3.js generated out of Excel. Note – probably doesnt work on IE8 and below. Use firefox or chrome if you can

View Download sheetsApi.xlsm

View Download vanillaChromeTrace.xlsm

View Download vanillacJobject.xlsm





View Download effex-demo-markers-excel.xlsm

Embedding Google visualizations in Excel and serializing Excel Data

View Download googleCharts.xlsm –An example workbook that creates google visualizations and embeds them in your worksheet, as well as standalone .html and serialized data files.

View Download  googleMotionWrapper.html- A skeleton .html file with the code needed to show a google motion chart. Will take serialized data created by the example workbook or from googleDocs.

View Download googleVisWrapper.html: A wrapper that will create google visualizations. It needs a dataURL containing the Excel data in JSON format. This serialized data is created by the googlecharts.xlsm example application.


General purpose Countdown Timer or Progress Bar

View Download
A general purpose countdown timer or progress Bar which can use either form controls or excel shapes as a template.  

Get Data from Outlook

View Download
Get Data from Outlook classes and example

Getting Started Snippets

View Download
Contains all the code referenced in the getting started snippets section


bootstrap code for gisThat VBA
Bootstrap code. This will get you started maintaining your VBA code automatically
cDataSet gistthat manifest
xml manifest for use with gistthat for cDataSet and cJobject
View Download
bootstrap code and examples for maintaining vba code automatically using github

Google Analytics

Google Analytic Gadget
Link for general purpose google gadget to add tracking code for google analytics

Google Mapping

View Download
Bing version generated by Excel to plot data on Bing maps
View Download
this is a test version to deal with mismatched excel and browser locale
View Download
Generate complete VizMap applications for Google Earth or Google Maps that combine mapping, visualization and twitter. Use mapping APIs to extract address components from a table of Excel unstructured addresses and plot them directly on Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Bing Maps, Ovi Maps and Google Earth
View Download
This is generated when you use the test data to place customer markers on google maps
kml markers for use with google earth. Example generated by googleMapping.xlsm
View Download
Ovi Maps version of mapped Excel data
View Download
British Royal family and their homes – Generated VizMap application – Google Earth version
View Download
British royal family and their homes – generated Google Maps VizMap application
View Download
Earth version of customer/orders vizmap generated application
View Download
VizMap generated application. Customer/Orders visualization
View Download
Google Earth example showing integration with Org charts and twitter
View Download
Google Maps example showing integration with Org charts and twitter
View Download
Palace vizmap using google earth instead of maps
View Download
VizMap generated application. Dictators/Palaces visualization
View Download
Google Earth version of generated venues application
View Download
VizMap generated application. Artist/Venues visualization
View Download
Excel data marked up on a Yahoo Map

Google Visualization implementation of Roadmapper

Roadmapper package
All the files you need to embed a roadmapper gadget

Hiding Data in Excel Objects and JSON serialization

View Download
This is the example workbook to illustrate the serialization and deserialization of JSON data and hiding it in shapes, cells and cookies


heat map version 1
heatmapversion 2


View Download
This is just if you want a very simple reporting on sheet calculation. A more fully featured version in included in the procprofiler package
Optimization Package: Includes worksheet analyzer, procedure profiler, and automatic profiler as excel Add-ins


View Download

Roadmapper Project

Gadget Source
This is the open source project for the google gadget visualization version of this
Link to google Apps Script Roadmapper
This is the Google Apps Script version of the roadmapper. You should use file/make a copy to make your own proivate copy to access the code

Sudoku Solver and Generator Project

View Download

View Download
Constraint formulas to find the rule for identifying naked sets in sudoku. Also demonstrates the use of bittwiddling functions

Useful user defined Functions

View Download
Example of UDF and formula for calculating diminishing returns
View Download
Regex package for executing regEX patterns as UDF, as well as a regex library capability