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Testing Javascript on the PC

These articles are abridged from my book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available  from O’Reilly or Amazon. Translated chunks of code can be hard to test outside the environment in which they […]

APIS and techniques

BigQuery and the Execution API

The data for BigQuiz app is held in BigQuery. In Loading large JSON datasets into BigQuery with Apps Script I showed how you could maintain data in BigQuery with Apps Script, but now when I come to use it, […]

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BigQuiz app

This is a webapp that touches on a number of different Apps Script capabilities such as.. The app structure OAuth2, and multiple providers and roles Firebase authentication Firebase to manage player data Using libraries to […]

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Final migration steps

These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available for directly from O’Reilly or Amazon. Now the data has been migrated, the logic migrated and the orchestration is now managed by Apps Script. In most […]

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Migrating orchestration

These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available  from O’Reilly or Amazon. As the migration progresses, there is less and less happening in VBA, and its role […]

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Migrating logic

These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available from O’Reilly or Amazon At this stage of migration, some data has already been moved to Sheets, it is […]

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Reading and writing Sheets from VBA

These articles are abridged from my book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available  from O’Reilly or Amazon. If you just want to transfer data between sheets and excel and back again, the […]

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Apps Script & Java Script


These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available  from O’Reilly or Amazon VBA does not naturally support JSON, but to be able to use this API (and […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Authentication and access

These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available directly from O’Reilly or Amazon. As with most VBA authentication processes on this site, authentication is handled through the […]

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VBA and Apps Script inventory

These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available directly from O’Reilly or Amazon. To be able to use the Execution API, various assets that are not naturally […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Incremental migration

These articles are abridged from my  book on Office to Apps migration.  Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available  directly from O’Reilly or Amazon. All code samples can be found on Github. Note that that VBA samples have […]

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Execution API and Office to Apps migration

These articles are abridged from my book on Office to Apps migration. Going GAS, from VBA to Google Apps Script. Now available  from O’Reilly or Amazon What is the Execution API ? This is a brand new API that enables the running […]