Using the People API with Apps Script
The BigQuiz app uses the People API to identify who is using it so that it can keep track of game and category scores. I could have used the Gplus api – which has an Apps Script advanced service, […]
The BigQuiz app uses the People API to identify who is using it so that it can keep track of game and category scores. I could have used the Gplus api – which has an Apps Script advanced service, […]
The data for BigQuiz app is held in BigQuery. In Loading large JSON datasets into BigQuery with Apps Script I showed how you could maintain data in BigQuery with Apps Script, but now when I come to use it, […]
This is a webapp that touches on a number of different Apps Script capabilities such as.. The app structure OAuth2, and multiple providers and roles Firebase authentication Firebase to manage player data Using libraries to […]
In Borrowing an access token from Apps Scripts I demonstrated the simplest way to get a token to use with a Google API, by borrowing one from Apps Script. Next up, was Using a service account where could generate a […]
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