Firebase auth snippet to deal with email verification
Snippet background This is a very short snippet with a hack for dealing with when a user actions a verification email from Firebase. The example is from a webapp client, but it applies to a […]
Snippet background This is a very short snippet with a hack for dealing with when a user actions a verification email from Firebase. The example is from a webapp client, but it applies to a […]
There’s a really basic thing missing from Google Forms. What’s missing ? A way of stamping responses with some sort of code to be able to link them back to some user or some other […]
Here’s how to set up a service account to access your firebase data base in admin mode. It’s quite disjointed in the docs, so here it is from start to finish. The console Just as […]
Here’s how to set up a service account to access your firebase data base in admin mode. It’s quite disjointed in the docs, so here it is from start to finish. The console Just as […]
Firebase authentication is replacing the Google Identity toolkit. I’m not sure if I really understand the ‘firebasification’ of many of Google’s APIS. I think it’s confusing whether you should use the Firebase version of things, or the underlying […]
This’ll be quite a long post, or maybe a series of them, as auth is always complicated. Lets first of all set the scene. This is a VueJs client that needs access, both authenticated and […]
This is one of a series of articles about Going serverless with Firebase. You many want to read about Firebase cloud functions and Custom domains and ssl with Firebase hosting before this article. Rate limiting So you’ve created your cloud […]
This is one of a series of articles about Going serverless with Firebase. You many want to read about Firebase cloud functions before this article. Using custom domains 2 of the great things you get with Firebase hosting […]
This is one of a series of articles about Going serverless with Firebase What are Cloud functions There are both Google and Firebase branded cloud functions. They are probably the same thing under the hood, but […]
This site deals with some complex topics, and if you are trying to get started with something, it can be difficult to separate out the bare bones from the finished projects. In this section I’ll […]
In Ephemeral Exchange I wanted to create a push notification capability so that subscribing apps could be informed immediately a cache item had changed or expired without having to poll for changes. The back end for cache […]
The BigQuiz app uses Firebase for keep track of the question, category and game scores of individual players. In Firebase custom authentication with goa I showed how to use Goa to manage authentication for Firebase. This firebase access library works with […]
The BigQuiz app uses Firebase for keep track of the question, category and game scores of individual players. In JSON web tokens I showed an example of how to authenticate and authorize when making a call to the Firebase JSON API. […]
Ephemeral Exchange is a cross platform cache that allows you to share transient data across a range of platforms without the need for authentication, but by sharing access keys between participants. The code is open source, […]
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