color strip deduplication
Apps Script

Color Vector embeddings vs Video Intelligence API labelling

In Making a film color DNA I described how I was using both color strips and labelled content to find videos that were duplicates or similar. I’m already using ElasticSearch to disambiguate films using labels and object tracking artefacts identified by the Google Video Intelligence API. The next step is to enhance that similarity matching using the color strips of a film as finger prints. […]

gql on cloud run
APIS and techniques

Setting up a GraphQL server on Cloud Run

In a recent article Puppeteer, Cloud Run and GraphQL together I covered a GraphQL API for Pupeteer hosted on Google Cloud Run. This is publicly available for you try out. This article will cover all […]

js proxy
Apps Script

Extending a cache client with a proxy

Extend a client library object by proxying and intercepting calls to its native methods. This example adds functionality to a redis client, and also gives tips on using GCP secret manger for configuration. […]

APIS and techniques

Queuing asynchronous tasks to defeat rate limits

The problem with rate limits You’ve most likely hit the problem of rate-limited APIS at some point. You make a request and it gets refused because you’ve done too many requests in some time period. […]

Google Cloud Platform

FTP server on Kubernetes with cloud storage and pubsub

Getting an FTP server running on Kubernetes is a little tricky. The FTP service uses multiple ports in its negotiation and you need to make sure that the conversation always connects to the same Kubernetes […]

APIS and techniques

Video transcription with Video Intelligence API

The Video Intelligence API allows you to analyze the content of videos. I covered basic labelling in Google Video Intelligence API film labelling. This section will look at how to get a transcript of a film. It turns […]

Google Cloud Platform

Using mcrouter with memcached on Kubernetes

This is a part of the series of posts on Getting memcache up and running on Kubernetes which explained how to create your first cluster and Installing memcache with Kubernetes which installed some memcache instances on your cluster and Exposing […]

Google Cloud Platform

Getting a simple app running on Kubernetes

This is a part of the series of posts on Getting memcache up and running on Kubernetes which explained how to create your first cluster and Installing memcache with Kubernetes which installed some memcache instances on your cluster and Exposing […]

Google Cloud Platform

Creating a test app for memcache on Kubernetes

This is a part of the series of posts on Getting memcache up and running on Kubernetes which explained how to create your first cluster and Installing memcache with Kubernetes which installed some memcache instances […]

Google Cloud Platform

Exposing a memcache loadbalancer

This is a part of the series of posts on Getting memcache up and running on Kubernetes which explained how to create your first cluster and Installing memcache with Kubernetes which installed some memcache instances on your cluster. I recommend […]

Google Cloud Platform

Installing memcache with Kubernetes

This is a part of the series of posts on Getting memcache up and running on Kubernetes which explained how to create your first cluster. I recommend that you save your commands in various scripts so you can […]

Google Cloud Platform

Kubernetes ingress with cert-manager

This is a part of the series of posts on Getting an API running in Kubernetes. For this to make sense you should have worked through a few of the earlier examples. This is an […]

Google Cloud Platform

HTTPS ingress for Kubernetes service

This is a part of the series of posts on Getting an API running in Kubernetes. For this to make sense you should have worked through a few of the earlier examples Already have a […]

Google Cloud Platform

Bringing up an ingress controller

This is a part of the series of posts on Getting an API running in Kubernetes, and you should first have created an app to be deployed as described in Building your App ready for […]

Google Cloud Platform

Creating a microservice on Kubernetes

This is a step in Getting an API running in Kubernetes, and you should first have created an app to be deployed as described in Building your App ready for Kubernetes deployment, deployed it as […]

Google Cloud Platform

Creating a Kubernetes deployment

This is a step in Getting an API running in Kubernetes, and you should first have created an app to be deployed as described in Building your App ready for Kubernetes deployment, you have a […]

Google API

Getting an API running in Kubernetes

In Getting cockroachDB running with Kubernetes I covered how to get your cockroach database orchestrated by Kubernetes. Next you’ll want to get your API running, and expose it over SSL. Normally I’d put these kind […]


Secure CockroachDB and Kubernetes

In Getting cockroachDB running with Kubernetes I covered how to get cockroachdb going on Kubernetes, but that was in insecure mode, which is fine for playing around inside the Kubernetes cluster, but not good enough […]

Google Cloud Platform

Connecting to cockroachdb

If you’ve followed Getting cockroachdb running on google cloud platform you’ll have a small cockroach implementation of 3 nodes running as Docker containers on a single VM on Google Cloud Platform that can run local […]

Google Cloud Platform

Your own free linux VM

Now that Apps Script is opening up with a new CLI tool and API to allow you to use your own development tool change, there’s more reason than ever to start using NodeJs as part of your […]

APIS and techniques

Orchestrating APIS to analyze OCR data

This is the second step in Making sense of Ocr – an orchestration wrapper for the APIS we’ll need. In Google Vision and OCR I showed how to use the vision API to turn a pdf into a series […]

APIS and techniques

Making sense of OCR – Google Vision

In the project  I’m using for illustrating some of the capabilities of GCP, I need to make sense of a variety of documents, some very complex and some less so. The basic problem though is that there […]

APIS and techniques

Google Video Intelligence API film labelling

The Video Intelligence API allows you to analyze the content of videos. For my use case this is super useful, because now I can Label videos with their content, and use those labels to navigate to the […]


Firebase auth for graphql clients

This’ll be quite a long post, or maybe a series of them, as auth is always complicated. Lets first of all set the scene. This is a VueJs client that needs access, both authenticated and […]

Cloud Functions

Google Cloud Run on Kubernetes

I had originally planned just to use cloud functions for some of the work referred to in Google cloud platform, but since I’m running a Kubernetes cluster anyway, making that cluster scalable to deal with cloud […]

APIS and techniques

More cloud streaming

In Stream content to Google Cloud Storage I covered how you could stream content (in this case a video file) from a hosted URL to an object on cloud storage in preparation for labelling it with the […]

No Picture
APIS and techniques

Stream content to Google Cloud Storage

This article looks at the Node implementation to stream content directly to google cloud storage, and we’ll look at how to convert that to a Cloud run function in a later one. Note that although […]

No Picture
Cloud Functions

Rate limiting – Firestore and Firebase cloud functions

This is one of a series of articles about Going serverless with Firebase. You many want to read about Firebase cloud functions and Custom domains and ssl with Firebase hosting before this article. Rate limiting So you’ve created your cloud […]

No Picture

Using Google analytics as a database for api usage statistics

This is one of a series of articles about Going serverless with Firebase. You many want to read about Firebase cloud functions and Custom domains and ssl with Firebase hosting before this article. The dashboard Ephemeral Exchange provides a history of […]

No Picture
Cloud Functions

Mapping custom domains to cloud functions

This is one of a series of articles about Going serverless with Firebase. You many want to read about Firebase cloud functions and Custom domains and ssl with Firebase hosting before this article. Redirecting requests to your custom domain Now […]

No Picture
Cloud Functions

Firebase cloud functions

This is one of a series of articles about Going serverless with Firebase What are Cloud functions There are both Google and Firebase branded cloud functions.  They are probably the same thing under the hood, but […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Cloud Storage and Apps Script

There are SDKs available for a number of languages, but not for Apps Script. . Since Google Cloud Storage is neither a built-in nor an advanced Apps Script service, for these examples I’ll be using […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Controlling the demo

With a system with many moving parts, we need a way to see progress and to control the behavior as we go. For that I’m using  A google sheet to display results so far A […]

No Picture
Apps Script & Java Script

A gigantic pub crawl

  I wanted to put together a gigantic demo to show (and test)  the push notification capability of Ephemeral Exchange to orchestrate many things across many platforms. We’ll be linking up all these things, with the orchestration […]

Cloud Functions

Using Google Maps API with Google cloud functions

If you are thinking about using Google Cloud functions (and you should), you may be wondering how to use things like Google Maps in the context of cloud functions. Well, cloud functions allow you to run Node.js […]

No Picture
Apps Script & Java Script

Node focus explorer without excel

Up till now we’ve been considering a solution for Focus node explorer with d3.js that leverages massaging the data from Analyzing site content with GAS using the stuff we already had from d3.js. That solution also means that you can […]

APIS and techniques

Google Cloud Platform

This collection of articles deal with various Google Cloud Platform APIS. The full content is below. It is part of a project that I will document at a later stage The next section is a […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Migrating from App Engine to Cloud functions

 Ephemeral exchange has gone serverless (for what this means see Going serverless with Firebase), and has a new home.  What’s changed The back end is completely different, but the front end interface is pretty much the same […]

Cloud Functions

Going Serverless with Firebase

Ephemeral Exchange is a cross platform cache that allows you to share transient data across a range of platforms without the need for authentication, but by sharing access keys between participants. The code is open source, […]