Cache data on Microsoft OneDrive
Apps Script

Microsoft OneDrive plugin as a cache for Google Apps Script

OneDrive as Cache platform In Apps script library with plugins for multiple backend cache platforms I covered a way to get more into cache and property services, and  the bmCrusher library came with built in plugins […]

Apps Script & Java Script

Converting and copying Google Apps files to Microsoft OneDrive

In Using Advanced Drive service to convert files I covered how to use the Advanced Drive Service to convert Sheets to Excel and write the result back to Drive. It occurred to me that, since Microsoft OneDrive […]

Google Authentication

Microsoft Live service for Goa Examples

This describes how to authenticate with Microsoft Live using Goa, as described in Oauth2 for Apps Script in a few lines of code (which you should read first for background). The library, cGoa, is available under this […]

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Microsoft API

OneDrive API

The OneDrive API is Microsoft’s version of Google Drive. The API is very similar to the Drive API, so I’m going to port Drive JSON API for apps script over so you can use OneDrive from Apps […]