These classes provide the tools and data structures needed to separate your physical data in your spreadsheet, from how you process it in your procedures. Notice that the row and column numbers begin at 1, and are relative to the start of the dataset (not the row/column on the spreadsheet), in order to abstract the cDataset from its physical location. This class is used throughout this site. Here are just a few examples of the projects illustrating its use. You may want to start with How to use cDataSet
cCell Class
Copying and filtering worksheets and Excel tables
Data Abstraction Example
Get Data from Outlook
How to use cDataSet
cDataSet Model
Clear data cells with cDataSet
How to make a table from a cdataset
Tables and listobjects
What to download
All the examples contain all the classes needed for them to work and all projects can be found here. If you just want the main utility classes used throughout this site, in the Downloads section cDataSet.xlsm includes everything you need including some examples. All classes have a tearDown method. You can use these to release up any memory when you are done. You execute this for the highest level class you use, typically a cDataSet, as follows dim ds as cDataSet
set ds=new cDataSet
with ds.populateData(someRange)
... do things
end with