Favorite Fall Photos

Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Before this morning’s rain set in, I enjoyed this God moment… God keeps His Promises and sends such beautiful reminders…

After a 20 day solo reign as Queen of the Chicken Kingdom, the King has returned and here’s a dusty selfie to prove it. ❤️ We survived!

I didn’t make it to the mountains to enjoy the beauty this year, but somehow the beauty made it to me.

There’s no place like Paradise Lane❤️

Misty Morning Views from my castle

“I have wiped out your transgressions like a thick cloud, And your sins like a heavy mist.
Return to Me, for I have redeemed you.” Isaiah 44:22

This fall is reminding me again of the Goodness of God. He is Faithful.

Praise Him


Highs and Lows

“Aunt Ken?! You, you feel bedder?” My nephews ask me this almost every time they see me. And every time they manage to sneak Mama’s phone and send a WhatsApp message.

It melts me and breaks my heart at the same time. Highs and Lows. I love it that they care, I hate it that I’m still limping along.

My writings feel like they’re kind of in the same slump- rotating around the next doctors report. Waiting for something to change. Lows because I’m not very patient and want to snap my fingers and be moved past this part of my story. Highs- because God is in His mercy has gifted me so much.

Today as I meandered in our little lane, it hit me all over again, what a gift this life is. I’ve spent a lot of time the last little while just trying to get my head above the waters. Today I want to give you a brief photo tour of the current highs and lows I’m processing 🙂

Today marks Day 13 since our Main Farmer left the Farm in my underskilled care. I was pretty nervous about this, but I’m having a blast. (Don’t tell Ben though, because I do hope he comes home soon.)

The birds are growing like crazy and it’s an incredible process to watch. They love to perch wherever they can. (Highs)

I’m not alone on this process. Em got out of bed early every single day while she didn’t have birds to come and help me. Mother’s filled in different times too. Ben’s brother Clarence swings by the farm often to double check my ventilation settings, etc. (Highs)

Basically as soon as Ben walked out the door, an intruder snuck in through a passage in the cinder block footers, and we lost a few birds to the varmit. So here’s Em and a can of Great Stuff securing the boundaries. (Lows) But it’s definitely slowed him down so I’m very thankful. (High-ish)

I managed a trip to Horseshoe Curve! It’s been months since I felt up to traveling, so a day trip was definitely a High.

Other highs include hearing from my hunter… High on the mountainside in Gibbonsville, Idaho.

Big temperature change but the locals say that’s great for getting animals to move. (low temps and a higher chance of an elk encounter) 🙏🏼

And I’ve enjoyed a number of unique social opportunities during my time as a hunters widow… The annual barn party was a definite HIGHlight

A Ladies Lunch hosted by my cousin Kate while her husband was out of town… in Idaho… hunting elk… Food that was as beautiful as it was delicious ❤️ Another high.

A backyard bonfire with cousins…

Quality Harvest time with two of my favorite little farming enthusiasts.

In a crazy sort of way, triaging my camera roll is good for me. Life doesn’t need to focus only on the things we wish we could change. There’s so much more here. Blessing upon Blessings.

Thank you Jesus, for being constant in the highs and lows of life ❤️


Bonus Pics:

Random travel nugget: I found the History of Horseshoe Curve and WWII very fascinating. There was an attack planned on this main east to west trade route. Hitler sent eight saboteurs to “blend in and, when the opportunity presented itself, to wreak havoc on key industrial sites.” But 2 of the 8 turned on the others and went to the FBI before anything was carried out. 😅

I thiiiiiiiiink this is the last garden update for ‘22…. This zucchini plant produced from the first of July until last week. It sure was worth the money… especially since Julia started it in her greenhouse and gifted it to me 😂💪🏼

No News

My phone rang. The ID announced it was a friend I hadn’t heard from in awhile. “Kendra! How are you? I keep checking your blog, but you haven’t updated.”

It’s true. I’ve been silent for over a month. Basically because there’s not much to say.

“Well at least post and tell us you’re ok!”

Two Sundays ago, our pastor had a last minute change of plans, so the morning service was spent in the Word. Anybody who wanted to could read whatever passage they felt like sharing. Admittedly I cried at the reading of Psalms 103:

2Bless the LORD, my soul, And do not forget any of His benefits;3Who pardons all your guilt, Who heals all your diseases;

A beautiful sunset rainbow reminded me again “God keeps His Promises!”

Anyhow I guess the reality that I’m still waiting on God to touch my body with healing has kept me from posting. There’s not much more to report other than that. My travel calendar has been replaced with doctor appointments and that’s not nearly as fun to write (or read) about. Lol

Recently I went on a radical diet and felt good enough to actually get in on some good Ol living. It’s crazy how quickly things change, so I savored the moments while they lasted. Here’s a few highlights:

I actually got out in the fields for several afternoons. The twins showed up and warmed my heart and filled the cab with their energetic stories. “Aunt Ken! Me riding Unca Ben, jake break ON! BAAAAAA! It hurt my ears!” And they couldn’t wait to head out with the truck again. 😂

We got chickens last week, and I thought I’d surprise the chicken dumping crew with fresh pizza. I accidentally ordered mediums instead of larges. I was feeling really stupid until the manager at Dominoes asked me if I could use more pizza. A large order had just canceled- so at $5/pizza I took them all. 7 pizzas total 🙈 I had great fun farming out pizza the entire lunch hour.

Baby Gideon 💙 Julia curls his hair and he melts my heart.

Another example of heart melt: Julia grew carnations this year and Isaiah came marching up to me with a fistful of these beauties “Parnations!” He announced 🥰

And lastly, Ben left this morning on an Idaho elk hunt and I fixed a “snackle box” for the journey. It needed a punny “hugs and fishes” or “you’re my favorite catch” note with it, but I didn’t want to embarrass him. So I’ll just tell y’all about it lol

Here they are: 1 day and 10 hours of travel ahead of them according to Google Maps. Counting on Ben not being like me with the “no news” month of silence stuff. Safe travels, guys!

To Summarize my thought: It’s hard to “Bless the Lord” when things aren’t going as planned. Admittedly I’m not doing that great at it. I’m convicted about this.

May our hearts be drawn to Bless God this season. He is Able. And He is Enough.


Bonus Pic:

Em was able to go surprise Deb for Alexander’s 2nd birthday. All week long I got pics like this gem. ❤️ Happy Birthday Zanderman!