So it’s happening. The passage of time has marched right up, and the end of November is here.
I love the fact that my birthday is always right around Thanksgiving. It gives me extra reason to reflect on the blessings of my life.
I remember when my mom turned 30. I was so impressed, our Maryland family came rolling in with a box of 30 gifts. I couldn’t imagine that many gifts on a pile- or being that old, really.
Then our Virginia family surprised her by hosting a party at Uncle Galen’s. I remember Father making up these excuses to be picked up in the field, and (to save time) he was going to stop by Uncle’s place . Since I had a bit of trouble keeping secrets, I doubt I was in on the surprise, but at 5, this again left an impression. What a party it was.I tried to decide which way to go with the thought process here. Humor is never wrong and always welcome. Well, there are times when humor needs to be handled with caution, but this is not the case here. So I wrote a poem. In my mind it said exactly what was on my heart. But when I read it to my editor (aka my mom) she sweetly said “that’s good Kendra” in a strangled voice and in my heart I knew that it shall remain unpublished. Forever. In fact, as I reread it- I can’t even have the faint dream of it being discovered posthumously.
You see, it’s kinda free verse. How would you get life and stereotype to rhyme anyhow?
Another memory from way back in the cobwebs is November 24, 1996. I remember distinctly spending a part of the afternoon enjoying the luxury of my parent’s waterbed, thinking deep thoughts (my parent’s waterbed was the coolest thing ever, I thought) I was so impressed with the fact that I was 9, almost 10. And I just wasn’t sure about the idea of going from 1 digit to 2… Ha.Somehow, the changing of decades makes me reflect extra much. How close am I living to my own expectations of what adulthood required? What are my goals for my future? How am I living to impact the world for the good of my Creator?
There are so many blessings in my life. My favorite being the people I’m surrounded by. God, in His goodness, placed the most caring, affirming people in my world. And although I probably don’t express my excitement as obviously as I did when Juanita gave me 2 goldfish (see above pic) I am this excited to embrace the next 30 years (Or 60 ☺️).A million thanks to those of you who take time out to support me on this incredible ride.
God is so good,