Felipe’s review published on Letterboxd:
I love how fucking bleak and miserable this movie is. It's far more restrained and tonally consistent than the previous two entries. It's also probably the most "artsy" out of the three. There are scenes that straight up reminded me of David Lynch's Lost Highway.
Some SPOILERS ahead...
With that said, a lot of people are going to hate this, because it's not at all the movie that was promised. More specifically, this isn't a film about Michael Myers.
Michael Myers really isn't in the movie that much. The main character is a guy named Corey and the whole plot is like a serial killer origin story for him, with Michael as his weird kind of old washed-up mentor with maybe three minutes of screentime.
It doesn't work as the ending to a trilogy, but I was still surprisingly invested in Corey's story, I just wish it didn't also have to be a Halloween movie. It could have been a great indie horror thriller about the birth of a serial killer without Michael and Laurie.
It's not a great movie, and doesn't give a fuck about giving audiences what they want, but I honestly kinda respect it a lot for that. It's very flawed, but it's probably my favorite of the three.