The story begins with Dust's perspective of the battle against the Cloned Hydra and his meeting with goddess Eris. Later, Dust and his party take on a quest to explore an abandoned dungeon. After not finding anything valuable in it and a suspicious feeling of weakness coming over his fellow party members Keith and Taylor, he receives travel vouchers to Arcanletia from Kazuma. For the trip, Dust invites Yunyun, Lolisa, Vanir and Chris. After his plans of using a magic item to make the girls fall for him fail, as well as an altercation with, local Axis cultists, they all return from the trip only to find that everyone in Axel is suffering from the more severe afflictions earlier weakness. Deducing that something in the dungeon caused it, Dust and his party together with Yunyun and the loli succubus return to the dungeon to solve the mystery.
Chapter 1: A Meeting with that Goddess
Chapter 2: Setting Sights on that Harem
Chapter 3: Sightseeing at that Hot Springs Town
Chapter 4: Spreading the Devil’s Whispers Together with that Cultist
Chapter 5: A Single Stab for that Destructive Weapon