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The Corgi Car 027

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MIrror One is the mirror version of One-One. This mirror version, however, does not seem to possess the dual personalities that One-One does. The mirror version also appears much more proper in his actions and vocabulary in the short time we see him on screen. After Tulip requested his help, Mirror One called the Reflection Police to stop Tulip's reflection. He was then taken away by the Mirror Medics with Mirror Atticus, Mirror One was given hot chocolate.


  • In the original script for "The Chrome Car," written by Lindsay Katai, Mirror One and Mirror Tulip had a two-page conversation about the nature of the Chrome Car and being a reflection. Katai later reused the ideas from this cut conversation in Book 2's "The Wasteland".[1]
  • Although never stated, his name "Mirror One" and his singular voice hints at One-One's prior identity as "One" when he was originally the Conductor (as seen in "The Twin Tapes").
  • In "The Snow Car," One-One was seen with a mug just like his reflection was given.



  1. From a deleted writing bts thread on Lindsay Katai's Twitter: "I wrote 2 pgs in Chrome Car where she and Mirror One discuss the nature of being a reflection. It was too long to be used (common problem of mine), but I used the same ideas for her talk with Mace in The Wasteland. I love the dichotomy of punk and vulnerability."