“You're trying to kill me with the shame and the worry. Well no more. From this point on... we're through. I've called a hit on you. It's really the only way, Antonio...”
Toni Cipriani:
“What?! Ma!”
Mrs Cipriani:
“You were always a disobedient boy. It's for the best, son, at least try to die like a real man!”
Toni drops by his mother's place, looking to finally win her over. When he arrives, she is talking on the phone. After finishing her phone call, she tells Toni how much he has disappointed her. She then informs Toni that they are "through" and she has called a hit on him and admonishes him to "at least try to die like a real man". Toni, however, is in disagreement with Ma's view of the matter, choosing instead to show that he could ward the attackers off and survive.
In the mission, the player is required to fight off four waves of hitmen, who appear with increasingly lethal firepower (first with only pistols, followed by TEC 9s, Micro-SMGs, and, finally, AK-47s). The player is given three pickups, including a Pump Action Shotgun, a Micro-SMG, and health. If Toni successfully fends off the hitmen, the mission will be completed.
Toni? I'm just on the phone. (talking to someone else) ...yeah, he's here now. OK, OK, I'll stall him. Bye. (to Toni) Toni? Come to upset your mother again, huh? You spend all day playing the tough guy. You never come see me, or bring home any nice girls. But, who'd want you anyway? You look so pasty and thin! You're trying to kill me with the shame and the worry. Well no more. From this point on... we're through. I've called a hit on you. It's really the only way, Antonio...
What?! Ma!
Ma (Voice only):
You were always a disobedient boy. It's for the best, son, at least try to die like a real man! Try to stop shaming me!
Toni checks the yard of the restaurant to find three hitmen arriving in Sentinels, armed with pistols. Toni fends them off. A second wave of hitmen arrives, wielding Tec-9s, with Toni killing them too. A third wave of hitmen arrives, wielding Micro SMGs, and Toni kills them aswell. The final wave of hitmen arrives, wielding AK-47s, but they're soon killed by Toni.
GTA Liberty City Stories - Walkthrough - Mission 11 - No Son of Mine
PS2 version
GTA Liberty City Stories Mobile - Mission 11 - No Son of Mine
iOS mobile version
The cars the hitmen use are black Sentinels that have a very special "pushing force". Each Sentinel will not lose speed or direction while hitting another vehicle but is extremely vulnerable to damage, and a mid-speed crash will set it on fire. They can also drive straight through Pay 'n' Spray garage doors while they are closed.
If Toni goes anywhere by car during the mission, the hitmen will hijack the nearest car and follow him.
In the mobile version, the last wave of hitmen carry Micro SMG's instead of AK-47 rifles.
This mission may have been inspired by Livia Soprano from The Sopranos, as in the show's first season, Livia purposefully gives Tony Soprano's uncle Junior some information that leads to Junior putting a hit on Tony.