Following the ambush of their prison convoy and the subsequent attack on the Callahan Bridge, Claude and 8-Ball have escaped but are now isolated in Portland. After locating an abandoned Kuruma, 8-Ball informs Claude that he knows a place for them to lay low and find work, but Claude will need to drive there due to 8-Ball's injured hands.
Claude shortly follows them and shoots a camera monitoring the exit with a shotgun.
After running around the corner, Claude is being held up by his girlfriend.
Catalina tells Claude that keeping him around would be an obstacle to her ambitions and proceeds to shoot him.
A Liberty Tree newspaper article bringing further detail on Claude getting shot.
Claude survived the shot and is held in police custody. He is being taken to a penitentiary in Portland by a police convoy leaving police headquarters in Staunton Island, to begin serving his 10-year sentence.
A mysterious Rumpo van is seen following the convoy.
Besides the van, a Patriot is also seen stalking the convoy.
The Patriot proceeds to also follow the convoy.
The Rumpo following the convoy drops a bomb on the bridge.
The Patriot which was following the convoy blocks its path, thus stopping it.
Two Colombian Cartel members emerge from the van and hold up the convoy. They demand a prisoner being transported in it to be handed over.
The police officers give the prisoner up.
One of the other prisoners being transported, 8-Ball attempts to escape the convoy and attacks a police officer.
Claude also attacks a police officer and uses his keys to unlock his and 8-Ball's handcuffs.
Claude and 8-Ball form an alliance.
Just moments after, the pair notices the bomb dropped earlier by the Rumpo van. The bomb explodes.
Carnage the bomb's explosion has left behind is revealed.
8-Ball tells Claude that they should visit 8-Ball's hideout and change their prisoner outfits. 8-Ball also tells Claude that he should drive, since 8-Ball's hands are badly damaged.
The pair heads to the hideout 8-Ball mentioned.
The two have arrived at the hideout. After changing clothes, 8-Ball informs Claude of his friend, Luigi who may give Claude some work, and suggests they head to his club.
For the first two minutes or two in-game hours (until 6:00), the player cannot gain a wanted level.
The two police cars driving on the other side of the bridge towards the sight of the explosion, whose sirens can be heard when the player drives forward, will not chase the player like normal police cars and the policemen inside them will never open the door.
The Kuruma used in the mission has a unique teal colour, which can be stored after completing the following mission. In the Beta version of the game, the player originally drove a purple Sentinel.
The first song that the player will hear is Dil-Don't's "Stripe Summer", as when they enter any vehicle after the cutscene, Head Radio will play every time from the beginning of the audio file.
This is chronologically the first mission in the 3D Universe by release order.
Attempting to store the Kuruma in the garage of the safehouse with 8-Ball still in it will cause it to blow up, instantly failing the mission and restarting from the beginning.