Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Copterbot, Balloonbot, "Red Baron" and Engineblockbot... or John, Paul, Ringo and George.

"Wingbot" is a fan-coined term, shorthand to refer to the quartet of flight-enabled dingbots which Agatha dispatches to carry her unaltered Sturmhalten warning message re: the mental return of The Other to Wulfenbach forces. As normal dingbots walk (scurry) or climb (are hoisted) , having the specialized and witty term for Agatha's air force was spontaneously adopted. (Though it should be noted that only one of them actually has wings.)

Unfortunately, the foursome immediately attracts the attention of a resident Geisterdragon, which hunts down and destroys all but the "Copterbot", before being tricked into latching onto a falling cannonball, sending it plummeting. When last seen during the Sturmhalten plot-arc, the survivor is shown chasing after the Gil-created flying machine piloted by Ardsley Wooster.

When we next see Wooster, there is no particular indication that Copterbot succeeded in this task, but much much later, it is revealed that it did indeed end up in England, more specifically being held in somebody's (certainly later identified as Lord Snackleford) laboratory in the undersea dome of the Queen's Society, with the word "Sturmhalten" scrawled on an accompanying blackboard. It is found by the Castle and Beast mini-clanks, who evidently release it, and it eventually encounters Gil as the latter is fleeing the soon-to-be-explody dome, with no time to immediately read its message. He and Tarvek finally get to watch, thus seeing Agatha's original uncorrupted message. Tarvek manages to distract Gil from thinking too much about all the damage the altered publicly-broadcast message caused to Europa, and then the wingbot shows that it has further information: every time someone activates it and views its message, it records a snippet of the viewer as well. And so they and we learn that yes, Wooster did come into possession of the wingbot, and send it to England via a string of fellow British operatives. The last person in this chain appears to be the Spark Doctor Monahan...

Also compare: singbots, bangbots

See Also:[]
