Girl Genius
Girl Genius

Corgi is one of the main instigators of the Klaus Defence League, and acts as his staff herald in Second Life.

Wiki-editing is addictive. You will likely end up seeing pawprints all over this place before the Dog drops from lack of sleep.

My Talk page is becoming unwieldy, so older threads are here.

How to do anchor links/bookmarks here[]

I kept forgetting how to, so I'm putting it here where I won't misplace it again:

Markup for the anchor itself:
<span id="Black Gate">Black Gate</span>
Link TO the anchor:
[[Mechanicsburg#Black Gate|Black Gate]]

Image formatting[]

See Professor Diaz for a McGyvered image-wrap solution.

See Help:Add_Images for a better one.

Table formatting[]


Silica Cubicle[]


The Utterly Complete Quickly Outdated Exploded Page of ALL Categories![]

The Utterly Complete Quickly Outdated Exploded Page of ALL Categories

Othar's Timeline[]

Making a wild stab at it

Currently working on:[]

  • Finding an imperial dollar symbol - can we borrow Korea's?  - this is &#8361;. (It's also the symbol for the woolong.) Or we could try to make it more distinctive, ....
  • Finding a better set of terms to describe material from Agatha's world in comparison to ours than in/out that also does not require a sentence running the width of the average screen. (I'm not sure why this is being so difficult, but it is; inspiration has not struck.) By implication, this means we need an efficient term for the canon which is specific to both that 'verse and Agatha's time in it. Argh.