Girl Genius
Girl Genius

The Mucosapedalian Guard-Slime is a biological construct encountered by Agatha, Krosp and Violetta as they covertly investigate the clank-hanger in the depths of The Refuge of Storms. It is vaguely bipedal, colored a slightly luminescent blueish-green, sports three eyes, and (according to Agatha at least) also possesses very bad breath.

Speaking of which.. Agatha, in an impressive burst of non-Sparkiness, points out to the creature that she didn't create it and is not giving it any orders. This highly atypical response causes the Slime to retire and reconsider its world view, at least until it gets hungry. It reappears when the Refuge inhabitant who did create it also turns up to confront Our Heroes, with two Smoke Knights in tow. This unnamed[1] Spark does not follow Agatha's lead, and after a wordless consultation with a non-committal Agatha, the Slime devours him and the Knights.

The Name of the Thing[]

Until its creator was nice enough to clarify the issue, the Slime was referred to by fans as both The Slavering Grah[2] (after the noise it makes upon arrival) and as a Murgle. (after the noise it makes when walking away...)


  1. He's not around long enough to be formally introduced.
  2. Not to be confused with a Slavering Grue.