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Genshin Impact Wiki
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This page is about community-derived information, concepts, or terminology.
This page contains unofficial information, concepts, or terminology derived from or based on community discussion, invention, or knowledge. This page may be subjective and contain information or terminology that is not used by miHoYo or in official Genshin Impact communications, and may not be an officially recognized concept.

Struggle (unofficial name) is a special state that can be applied to characters and enemies, where the target is unable to perform any actions. Displacement caused by Vacuum Fields also have much stronger effects on targets in this state. It also allows certain Vacuum Fields to lift affected targets vertically.

This state is most commonly applied by abilities capable of generating Vacuum Fields, though it is a separate mechanic and can be applied through other means.

Note that the Struggle state is not to be confused with stagger effects, as the former does not require the target to be poise-broken to be applied.

Applying Struggle[]

The Struggle state can be applied through the following means.

Note that the Struggle state cannot be applied if the target is more than 20 levels higher than the applier.

Applier Ability Condition
Jean Jean Gale Blade Elemental Skill (Hold) Target Weight ≤ 100
Mona Mona Stellaris Phantasm Elemental Burst (Illusory Bubble)
Sigewinne Sigewinne Rebound Hydrotherapy Elemental Skill (Large Bolstering Bubblebalm)
Traveler Traveler Gust Surge Elemental Burst
Venti Venti Wind's Grand Ode Elemental Burst
Floating Hydro Fungus Floating Hydro Fungus Bubble
Hydro Abyss Mage Hydro Abyss Mage Bubble
Hydro Hypostasis Hydro Hypostasis Bubble
Large Hydro Slime Large Hydro Slime Bubble
Inquisitive Endora Inquisitive Endora Bubble None

Struggle Immunity[]

Under some conditions, enemies or players may become immune to the Struggle state:

Character/Enemy Condition
All Targets Petrified
All Targets During Timestop
All Characters During Elemental Burst i-frames
Fischl Fischl During Midnight Phantasmagoria Elemental Burst
Mona Mona During Mirror Reflection of Doom Elemental Skill hold i-frames
Chasca Chasca During Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt Nightsoul's Blessing
All Bosses Always
Abyss Herald Abyss Herald Always
Abyss Lector Abyss Lector Always
Hydro Mimic Hydro Mimic Always
Abyss Mage Abyss Mage Shielded
Fatui Cicin Mage Fatui Cicin Mage Shielded
Mirror Maiden Mirror Maiden Polarization State

Change History[]

