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Ruin Hunters are Elite Enemies that are part of the Humanoid Ruin Machines enemy group and the Automatons family.



For Artifact and Weapon drop rates of Elite Enemies, see Loot System/Artifact Drop Distribution and Loot System/Material Drop Distribution.

Toggle Drops at Lower Levels

90+200602 + 62.63%70.03%17.51%


Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Non-Elemental75%Particle ×1; Orb ×1
50%Particle ×1; Orb ×1
25%Particle ×1; Orb ×1
0%Orb ×1


Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
50% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.

Weak Point Location[]

  • Weak point is only exposed when airborne.


Most ability names are unofficial.

Blade Slash
Transforms its two left arms into blades and raises them up, then quickly slashes once in front of it with both arms, dealing 15% ATK and 25% ATK as Physical DMG.
Slash Combo
Brandishes its forearms before attacking twice, followed by a spinning slash, ended by one final cross-slash, dealing 15% ATK, 15% ATK, 10% ATK * 2, 20% ATK respectively as Physical DMG with each hit.
  • Whirling Slash: Occasionally, after using this attack, they have a chance to perform a far-reaching upright or sideways spin, dealing 15% ATK as Physical DMG.
    • In the current version, only the slashing effects of the sideways spin will appear, dealing DMG to the character should they be inside them. The sideways spin attack will not have a special animation, nor will the Ruin Hunter travel any distance during it. It is unknown why this is the case.
Drill Thrust
If the player roams too far, the Ruin Hunter will transform its two right arms into lances and charge for a long while. After 2 seconds, it will instantly charge towards the player, covering a massive distance in the process, dealing 100% ATK as Physical DMG.
Airborne State
If the player runs too far, is at a different elevation, or after 3 minutes have passed since entering combat, the Ruin Hunter may occasionally enter an airborne state by detaching its limbs which then serve as its propulsion, pushing all nearby players away, and becoming airborne for a while or until its core is hit. It will immediately enter this mode of attack if its current target is too high or low in elevation. While airborne, its core weak spot is exposed. Attacking this weak spot with a single attack that deals 80 or higher Poise Damage will cause it to fall out of the sky and become stunned for a period of time.
All thrusters point skyward and fire a barrage of 8 missiles into the air which shortly after, strike the ground randomly in a grid-like fashion. These missiles each deals 50% ATK as AoE Physical DMG. This attack can be performed up to 10 times, and can only performed while the Hunter is airborne.
Rapid Fire
If the player roams too far, the Ruins Hunter will fire 4 quick volleys of bullets toward its target, each dealing 10% ATK as Physical DMG. This attack can only be performed while the Hunter is airborne.
Focused Beam
If the player roams too far, the Ruins Hunter will shoot multiple homing missiles that each deals 5% ATK as Physical DMG on hit, then charges up for a few seconds to unleash a focused beam attack, dealing 100% ATK as Pyro DMG. This attack can only be performed while the Hunter is airborne.
Quad Lasers
All four thrusters face downward and quickly spin before unleashing four simultaneous laser blasts, directly below itself, dealing 50% ATK as AoE Physical DMG. This attack can only be performed while the Hunter is airborne, and after it is performed the Hunter will return to the ground.

AI Logic[]

  • An ability will only be used if all of the following conditions have been met:
    • The ability is not on cooldown
    • The target is within the range and angle required by the ability
    • The ability has the highest priority out of all that meet the previous 2 conditions
      • A lower priority number indicates a higher priority.
      • If multiple abilities share the highest priority, one will be chosen at random.
State Ability Range Req. (m) Priority CD (s) Initial CD (s) Shared CD (s) Action Interval (s) Triggers Act. Int. Ignores Act. Int.
Normal Enter Airborne State (Close) 0–30 3 30 120 30 3
Enter Airborne State (Far) 30–50 2 30
Blade Slash (Close) 0–4 5 3 3
Blade Slash (Far) 4–7.5 5 3
Slash Combo (Close) 0–7.5 5 15 15 3
Slash Combo (Far) 7.5–12.5 5 7.5 15
Drill Thrust (Close) 7.5–12.5 5 10 30 3
Drill Thrust (Far) 12.5–20 5 5 30
Airborne Rapid Fire + Focused Beam 25–50 5
Quad Lasers 0–7.5 1 5 30
Bombardment (Close) 0–25 3 1–4
Bombardment (Far) 25–50 2 5–15


Ruin Hunter locations can be pinpointed on the map by using the Adventurer Handbook.


Ruin Hunters are significantly faster and pack a stronger punch compared to Ruin Guards. To make up for this, they possess lower physical resistance, but it is still recommended to use elemental attacks against them. Note that while they are hovering on the ground, they cannot be disabled at all.

If too much time has passed or the player is at a higher elevation than it on ground level, the Ruin Hunter will enter Bombardment mode. This includes being airborne (e.g., Venti's held Skyward Sonnet or Wanderer entering the Windfavored state from Hanega: Song of the Wind), jumping with increased jump height (e.g. Xiao while under the effects of Bane of All Evil), gliding, climbing, or being on drastically higher ground (or a Geo Construct). In this state, the Ruin Hunter's eye will glow brightly, turning it into a weak spot. Because it flies up even higher in this state, Bow and Catalyst users are the only ones capable of consistently damaging it. The Ruin Hunter remains in this state unless struck in the eye or it uses its Quad Lasers attack, the latter signifying the end of Bombardment Mode.

Only one successful strike on the glowing eye is needed to bring it crashing down — a follow-up hit is not required as with the Ruin Guards. The Ruin Hunter will be disabled in a manner similar to Ruin Guards, but no protective rune appears after it recovers, meaning that Bombardment Mode can be abused to greatly weaken its offense.

When the Ruin Hunter is preparing to use its move Blade Slash, be aware that it only strikes at the last moment because it is aiming for a target, which means it can be dashed through easily. Drill Slash is particularly dangerous and must be dodged as it deals very high, if not outright fatal damage.

Ruin Hunters can be Frozen, so permafreeze teams that can repeatedly apply Frozen can be very effective.


Ruin Hunter
Tutorial Enemies Ruin Hunter
A formidable mechanical being found in the ruins. When suspended in mid-air, it is highly dangerous — but also exposes the core on its head.


A giant alien war machine.
They are said to be remnants from a lost ancient nation. Apparently, the creators opted to forgo the low-performing humanoid-design in pursuit of improved combat effectiveness. They are extremely dangerous both in melee and ranged combat.
Considering these mere relics possess such extraordinary power, one cannot help but wonder what the civilization that produced them must have looked like at its height.

A giant alien-looking war machine.
They are said to be remnants from a lost ancient nation. It seems that the creators opted to forgo the low-performing humanoid-design in pursuit of improved combat effectiveness. They are extremely dangerous both in melee and ranged combat.
Considering these mere relics possess such extraordinary power, one cannot help but wonder what the civilization that produced them must have looked like at its height.


  • Ruin Hunters sometimes go by names like Fo-62012, beginning with the prefix Fo- and ending in a numeric code. This is demonstrated in certain boss fights like the ones in the quest "Where is the Unseen Razor?".
    • Possible names include: Fo-11226, Fo-11711, Fo-12062, Fo-14258, Fo-19101, Fo-20118, Fo-21226, Fo-22019, Fo-23232, Fo-24742, Fo-31124, Fo-33007, Fo-36108, Fo-38518, Fo-41125, Fo-44232, Fo-49101, Fo-54221, Fo-62012, Fo-66931, Fo-69320, Fo-74931, Fo-78469, Fo-89128, Fo-89211, Fo-92681, Fo-93777, Fo-94553, Fo-98435, and Fo-99411.
  • Like Ruin Guards, Ruin Hunters can also appear as harmless scenery, although these are significantly smaller in size.


Video Guides[]

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishRuin Hunter
Yíjì Lièzhě
Ruin Hunter
Yíjī Lièzhě
Iseki Hantaa
Ruin Hunter
Korean유적유적 헌터
Yujeok Heonteo
Ruin Hunter
SpanishCazador de las RuinasHunter of the Ruins
FrenchChasseur des ruinesRuin Hunter
RussianРуинный охотник
Ruinnyy okhotnik
Ruin Hunter
ThaiRuin Hunter
VietnameseThợ Săn Di TíchRuin Hunter
GermanRuinenjägerRuin Hunter
IndonesianRuin Hunter
PortugueseCaçador das RuínasHunter of the Ruins
TurkishHarabe AvcısıRuin Hunter
ItalianCacciatore delle rovineRuin Hunter

Change History[]

Version 3.1
  • ATK increased by 100%.
  • DMG multipliers decreased by 50%.

Version 1.5

  • Fixed an issue in languages other than Simplified Chinese whereby the description for the Ruin Hunter entry in the Archive is missing.

Version 1.0

  • Ruin Hunter was released.

