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Coronated Prima Donna is Furina's Default Character Outfit.


Furina wears a dark blue suit-like outfit over a vest with a jabot, all decorated with multiple blue cut stone accessories that resemble water droplets at several places. A blue sash is laid over the vest, tied into a bow and pinned with a large blue gem in the center that is later replaced with her Hydro Vision. Her cuffs are folded back, hemmed into brass-like pieces, and her sleeves end with two deep blue frills, one on each arm. She also wears a dark blue top hat tipped to the left of her head, the hat decorated with metal flourishes giving the hat a crown-like appearance, in addition to including her emblem on the top surface. Multiple other fabric ornaments decorate her outfit, including blue and white pieces of cloth on her trailing behind her waist and hat. Her Pneuma form has all the white colors in her dress, changing into a dark-blue color in her Ousia form.

Furina wears a short black glove on her right hand and a white one on her left. She wears short pants, that appears to be shorts and are appended with bands wrapping her thigh. She wears dark heeled leather shoes, with her emblem emblazoned on the bottom of their soles and white ruff-like collars that wrap around her ankles.

Furina's Arkhe forms cause changes in her design. In her Pneuma form, she has glowing twin strands of hair down her back. Her top and shorts are white, as well as minor changes to the frill of her coat and her hat. In her Ousia form, her outfit is the same, but she instead wears a dark blue vest and black shorts. Her hair is shortened to the length of her bob cut alone, and she loses the glow at the tips of her blue streaks.


In-Game Assets[]


Ousia Aligned
Pneuma Aligned


Ousia Aligned
Pneuma Aligned

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishCoronated Prima Donna
Guànjī Língyōu
Coronated Actor
Guànjī Língyōu
Reiyuu no Taikanshiki
An Actor's Coronation
Prima Donna
SpanishPrima donna coronadaCoronated Prima Donna
FrenchDameisele accomplieAccomplished Damsel[• 1]
RussianКоронованная примадонна
Koronovannaya primadonna
Coronated Prima Donna
VietnameseMinh Tinh Đăng QuangCoronated Celebrity
GermanGekrönte Prima DonnaCoronated Prima Donna
IndonesianCoronated Prima Donna
PortugueseDama CoroadaCoronated Dame
TurkishAktrisler KraliçesiQueen of Actresses
ItalianPrimadonna con coronaPrima Donna with Crown
  1. French: Dameisele is Old French for damoiselle "damsel, noblewoman."

Change History[]

